How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Didn't check the previous morning, so I don't know how many layers I have out of twelve possibilities. I'm assuming my pre solstice sensation probably laid one of them. This ends the eight week drought. Always a possibility that my wife putting the ducks on a fuo gras (sp) diet during the snow induced the laying. 👯‍♀️🦄
Feeding greens and extra protein often triggers laying.
A lot of food is needed to produce body heat to stay warm. My ducks love to eat everything with fat or a lot of starches and french fries are on the top of the list at the moment, the ideal supper to keep a duck warm in frosty nights. Just for cold nights, no junk-food every day!
Yes I give xtra protein in am and grain b4 bed.
Yes cooked and that's fine too. Mine like rice better than corn
When mine were young they loved cracked corn, now they look at me as if i want to poison them. - But when i cook the cracked corn for a couple of minutes to soften it they gobble it down like a delicacy.
Also, my ducks love cooked sweet potatoes! - Those actually contain a lot of carotenoids which turn the bills, legs and egg-yolks bright orange.

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