How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

That is funny when a chicken gets a worm or lizard and then the chase is on until one of the others finally gets hold of it then the tug o war is on, then it gets ugly. Poor lizard is probably thinking oh please just eat me already! I can imagine the spaghetti noodles the drama they'd cause in the flock.

I had that drama playing out with a mouse. Two White Layers were fighting for it, one got the head, the other one the butt and they were both pulling… :sick
That's funny, mole here, same thing but with a RIR and something similar, I'll just call her Little Miss Mutt as I am not sure what she is. Given the problems these friggin moles are, I wish I could somehow teach them to dig up the moles and eat them.

When we moved into our house we had a mice-problem. The house had been uninhabited for one year and they were everywhere. After we got ducks the mice disappeared within 4 Months. Together with the lizards, spiders, snakes and most important ticks!!!
Getting rid of any of the bugs is a good thing. If they eat the lizards, well, ok, but you better take care of the bugs the lizards would be eating too duckie butt. Nobody wants the Lymes Disease now. Ducks don't trash the yard as bad either. Did the mice leave because the ducks were there or because the ducks ate them all? Im surprised you didnt have rats as well with the mice there already. That is one thing I can't stand is things that scuttle around in your house in the middle of the night.
I got another 4 egg day today from 4 girls. kind of surprised, it's been so rainy and crappy out i was more expecting a 2 egg day since even though I am letting them free range, they are spending more time inside where it's nicer. and not really happy. I do come out and give them a snack which makes them happy, and their daily tail ruffle and WHOOOOZZZ MY LITTLE CHICKY BOO Brrrrrrrr... which makes them follow me around and be pesty, much to the chargrin of the Peach Pest who gets all jealous and starts screaming when he sees OTHER BIRDS getting attention besides him!!!

Who can complain about that? I mean, in the human world, to be this popular with the girls, a guy would have to walk around with money falling out his pockets all over the place, in the bird world, just say Who's a purty bird, and a piece of fruit or grain, and you are GOD!! If you think I am full of it, I want you to try this experiment.

Go home, lock your wife / girlfriend and your Chicken /cockatoo / bird of choice in the trunk of your car and go away. Come back an hour later and open the trunk. Now.... tell me which one is happy to see you? :p


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