How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Still getting 2 duck eggs a day but frozen and often cracked. One duck tends to lay right at the duck door to the run so I always have to have a hand ready to catch. Experience has shown that the egg sometimes don't survive the roll down the ramp.
Can you throw some straw or something at the bottom of the ramp so when the egg goes clunk it does not crack or is it getting trashed on the step.. lumps?? Or maybe put some straw on the steps to soften the kabump bump on the way down?

Two again, one off-white, one green. The eggs have all been frozen so far, but hubby and I ate the two from this morning anyways. The problem with Rouens is that they lay, then jump off the nest and get on with their day, letting their poor eggies freeze. The second my Muscovies lay their first egg, they start thinking broody thoughts, staying on the nest and dreaming of fuzzy duckling children while they keep their eggs nice and toasty warm. Ah well, winter can’t last forever.
Fourteen large duck eggs today! - This night is forecasted to be a very cold one, so i opened another straw-bale for the duckies and made the house as cozy as possible:


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