How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

or the duck that has made herself very rare for the last 28 days suddenly walks up to the porch with 12 ducklings in tow and demands more catfood!
Oh thats funny. When I was a teenager I spent a few summers at my Aunt's house in Miami. They have those domesticated? Muscovy Ducks, the ugly red / black / white / you name it colored ones. Mamma was sitting on her nest, and Id go out every day and feed her and bring her a bowl of fresh water, and she'd actually let me look at the eggs, Id carefully pick one up every now and then or get rid of a bad one if I found it or she pushed it out of the nest. My aunt had finches so Id clean their cages out every day and feed them, and they were messy eaters so Id take the seed scraps which was probably half good seed down to mama duck.

Anyways, before the eggs, she would come up to the back door waiting for me to bring her bread or other snacks.... back to the eggs. They hatched day, she managed to figure out the dog door and brought her entire entourage of ducklings into the house to show them off to me!! My aunt was PISSED!! and blamed me for the entire thing. Well YOU FEED HER ALL THE TIME!!! I remember trying not to laugh, but it didn't work too well and Aunt Evelyn just got more mad. The dogs, I want to say one was a schnauzer or something, the other one was a fat beagle, were barking, mama duck was used to the dogs, but the ducklings were going everywhere! It was a time getting everyone corralled and back out the door, and poop...... yah fond memories heh.

Oh thats funny. When I was a teenager I spent a few summers at my Aunt's house in Miami. They have those domesticated? Muscovy Ducks, the ugly red / black / white / you name it colored ones. Mamma was sitting on her nest, and Id go out every day and feed her and bring her a bowl of fresh water, and she'd actually let me look at the eggs, Id carefully pick one up every now and then or get rid of a bad one if I found it or she pushed it out of the nest. My aunt had finches so Id clean their cages out every day and feed them, and they were messy eaters so Id take the seed scraps which was probably half good seed down to mama duck.

Anyways, before the eggs, she would come up to the back door waiting for me to bring her bread or other snacks.... back to the eggs. They hatched day, she managed to figure out the dog door and brought her entire entourage of ducklings into the house to show them off to me!! My aunt was PISSED!! and blamed me for the entire thing. Well YOU FEED HER ALL THE TIME!!! I remember trying not to laugh, but it didn't work too well and Aunt Evelyn just got more mad. The dogs, I want to say one was a schnauzer or something, the other one was a fat beagle, were barking, mama duck was used to the dogs, but the ducklings were going everywhere! It was a time getting everyone corralled and back out the door, and poop...... yah fond memories heh.

And that was the beginning of it all ha ha
Ah, I can’t seem to bring myself to raid the nest this morning. Puddles and Matilda are so proud of it!

Its a gorgeous morning, 35 and partly sunny. Everyone is out and swimming. I’ll try to get photos before work.

Scary moment of the AM. I was urging my white Muscovy to join the others when in noticed her feathers on one side were covered in blood. I panicked and started an exam on my very confused bird with any number of horrible situations running through my mind.

I then realized that I had “just” sliced my hand open when removing ice from the pool. :oops:

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