How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3. I tried doing a @WannaBeHillBilly yesterday and feeding some cat food to all my molting ducks but they rejected it.
What kind of cat food? - My ducks hate all the (expensive) brands, they only eat two kinds of 9lives, the basic essentials and the protein plus (of course!)
Am I right in thinking you are feeding dry cat chow. I buy what ever is cheapest to feed as a treat. Ducks don't like it, but the chickens and peacocks do.
It all depends on the taste of the cat-food. I tried the store brands from Walmart and Aldi and they looked at me like i just tried to kill them. I tried Friskies and Meow-mix, no luck.
I have to admit that the two kinds of cat-food i mentioned above look and smell most attractive to me too. - Not that i would try them, but other brands had an unpleasant smell for my nose.

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