How many Eggs did you Sell today?

1 doz

I intended to give them to my neighbor who loves my chickens and has never complained about them coming to her yard, and doesn't even seem to mind the rooster crowing.
So I knocked on her door and gave them to her hubby who answered the door.
A few minutes later she came over and gave me a dollar and said she would buy any extra eggs whenever I had them.

With only 3 layers I'm not exactly trying to sell a ton of eggs, but when I was sick they piled up a bit and I figured I'd share the wealth.
3 dozen today!
Keep up the good work on getting those eggs sold everybody. Keep us all posted on your sells. Isn't it fun when you sell a dozen eggs? I get eggcited every time.
AHHH just starting to sell. Sold 2 doz last week at 3$ a doz-and I have orders for 2 more dozen this week. I need to sell 4 doz a week to keep up with food costs. I get about 3 doz eggs laid a week. I another month or so I should be getting 4-5 doz a week! In the winter I would need to sell 10 Doz a week to help pay for the heating light for them all winter..Not going to happen!

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