How many eggs do Australorps actually lay per year?


5 Years
Aug 7, 2018
Just wondering how many folks out there have Australorps and how many eggs those hens actually lay each year for them? There seems to be a lot of conflicting info from hatcheries vs. articles from other people. Some hatcheries say 280, some say 200+, and some say about 150-300........That's a pretty wide range. Just wondering if it's worth it feed conversation to egg production ratios and so forth.
Less than the champion did in the contest in the 1940s. They still are quite prolific though.
A set number is difficult and the range of 200-275 is pretty accurate. They are individuals that provide breakfast, not egg machines. Some lines will lay more, some less.
It will vary from hen to hen, it’s not a breed thing other than generalities. Pretty much all breeds will take a break in winter and their bodies need this break.

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