How many eggs do you get weekly? What do you do with the extra eggs?

Wow! Judging from the egg basket photo used for this thread, this person has a few chicken breeds. So much color and size! Beautiful display. We are down to 6 hens right now with a whole bunch of juveniles to start laying at any time now. We make good use of a mini refrigerator in the garage and store any uneaten or unsold eggs in there. Unwashed refrigerated eggs will last a really long time. With fall and winter not far off in the distance, stocking up on extra eggs is not a bad idea. A nice batch of scrambled eggs over biscuits and gravy will taste mighty good on a cold day!
We get one chicken egg and one duck egg a day right now can't wait for the rest of the girls to start laying we have 15 hens and 3 ducks
I have 6 chickens I bought from our local tsc. They're red sex links, looking like RIR. I'm getting 4-5 eggs every day. At least one of my hens is producing double yolkers every other day, but I have had days judging by the size of the eggs 2 or 3 will turn out to be double yolkers. I use the wipes just before I use the eggs. I store them in the refrigerator unwashed. Fresh eggs are the best.
I have 9 hens laying now and 7 more that are really close. This is what we got over the last 3 days -26 I total I think. We eat a lot and give to Family but I'm gonna have to sell once they all start laying to help the feed bill out. We have RIR, BO, Barred rocks, SLW, and a wellsummer.
I get between 5 and 6 large eggs and usually 2 bantam eggs. With two teenage boys in the house we rarely have extra. Once in a while I gift the neighbors with a dozen to apologize for my loud roo.

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