How many for my pen?


7 Years
Oct 21, 2012
Hi everyone, my names bec and im new to this forum, im from Australia. i have a large peacock pen in our backgarden and i want to run some ringnecks in it, i have a male and i wish to get some more, he is fully mature. how many birds do you think i could run in there? and also should and would i be able to run other breeds of pheasant? im really new to pheasants but i have had my male for ages, i would love heaps of addivce. cheers bec ;)
You can run your male pheasant with your peafowl,but when it comes to adding a hen or 2 he may kill them.This in his eyes is his pen and will defend it even against hens.I would get your hens first,put them in the pen and then add your male.You cannot run different species of pheasants together because they will crossbreed,and during courting season,males will kill each other.
Just how large is your pen?You could run all males together and they will get along as long as there are no hens around.Throw 1 hen in the picture,or even close by,and for sure you will have bloodshed.
In N.H.,Tony.
i am told by mum that the pen is about 5metre by 15metre's long, at the moment hes not living in this pen, its completely free. but im just waying up if i could run one really young male but would my male kill him? the male i have is a real sweety, he is allways happy to be caught and runs fine with my chooks and guinea fowl.
cheers bec :)

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