How many girls did I end up with??


10 Years
Sep 6, 2010
Wondering what I ended up with, so I can start coming to terms with anyone I'll have to get rid of :( All purchased as sexed females.

#1 About 6 weeks old, EE. My favorite...I'm worried about those thick legs...

As a chick:

6 weeks

#2 Just under 6 weeks old, EE.

As a chick, on right.

6 weeks

#3 4 1/2 weeks old, Blue Cochin

This baby had delayed feathering, which makes me suspect boy. Is that always a sign of a male? From what I was reading online, in heavier breeds it sounds like it might be sex linked. You can see this below, #3 is on the top. This chick has always been smaller than its sibling.

4.5 weeks

#4 4 1/2 weeks, Blue Cochin

On right, larger than #3.

#5 Just under 6 weeks, Black Australorp. The tail looks like a roo to me, but otherwise seems to be a girl?

#6 Just under 6 weeks, Welsummer. Unfortunately there's no doubt in my mind about this one. Total roo.

In a couple more weeks it will be easier to tell. Still a little too difficult for me to tell. Hey, I am no expert, otherwise I might be working at a chicken farm sexing chicks,
, but most look like pullets to me except #6. Still too early though.
I would say all are hens but the last one. But again, it might be a little to early to be 100% accurate. But the last chick for sure is a cockerel.
Okay, I'm still trying to figure these guys out!

#1 EE 12 weeks, still has thicker legs and a larger comb than my other EE.

#2 EE 12 weeks

#3 Blue cochin 11 weeks - had delayed feathering as a chick. Has a short tail and way more feathers on its legs than my other blue cochin

#4 Blue Cochin 11 weeks - redder in the face, comb is about the same size, but finer than #3

#5 Black australorp - pullet and my favorite, what a sweetie

#6 Welsummer - actually a pullet! I posted her on craigslist this morning as a rooster and got an email back from a Welsummer breeder saying he was a she. Pleasant surprise!

Edited to add the last two photos - I hadn't because I wasn't wondering what they were any more.
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