How many hens should I use for my coop???

I'll bow out of the thread now and apologize to the OP for all the unnecessary bickering my advice has sparked. Some of you folks need a serious chill pill or some kind of relaxation method...maybe even put the large chip on the shoulder down and take a's a chicken forum, not a place to get all brody on folks for answering a question.
4x6x4 ft could house 18, technically. 4sq feet per bird, ya'll aren't taking into consideration vertical space. Itd be a logistical nightmare though, so dont do it:lol:

OP, I am putting 3 bantams and 2 full grown in a 4x4x4-5 coop, and Im comfortable with that. They will free range often.
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Wow!!! I've been busy outside all day working on the coop and I got cleaned up, cooked some trout then sat down hoping there would be an answer to my 5 pages worth...I guess I opened a big can of worms...sorry all...didn't mean to do that... I'll post some pics later to show what I have...It seems kinda big but I really don't want to overcrowd my chickens...I see those PETA videos and feel terrible for even eating chicken or eggs for that matter...I'm not necessarily a bleeding heart kinda guy but I would feel bad if I crammed too many chickens in a coop so thats why I asked... I have a dozen fertile eggs in an incubator... Not sure how many will hatch and not sure how many will be female but I'm hoping for near half... I assume I'll be OK... Thanks for all the input...
I bought them online from a guy in new york..It was a variety but his hens are Black sex links, Barred Rocks, Silver Lace Wyandottes, & Buff Orpingtons, and Americanas so I will have a Heinz 57 collection :)
That's a good mix. Good luck on the hatch!!!

I don't look at it like a can of worms, just differences of opinion. Some people take it more personal than others. As stewards of the livestock we keep we owe it to them to provide the best conditions for them we can. It's harder for a suburban chicken keeper to provide adequate space for birds than those of us in the country.

Hope all goes well for you!


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