How many of us own Silkies?

I have 2 buff silkies.
Do silkies do ok in the heat?

I live in the desert, where it can reach 118 or more during summer time.
I want a silkie, but not if it can't handle the heat.
you would want to provide a fan for them, they would need to cool down. and just curious, how the heck does ANYTHING survive 118 degree heat?! Man, thats HOT. I will take NH any day.
We have a Black, Blue, Splash, Partridge, White, Buff/Partridge, Red and a Black w/ Gold around the neck. And also a White juvie and a lt. Blue one. All pullets & hens (at least I hope the last 4 are).

So 10 for us.

I should have Silkie chicks hatching soon and also some Silkie/Friz. Cochin mixes.

I still need pullets in Gray, Buff and Lavender.
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I just got my first Silkies today!!
3, they are just over a month old. I don't know the right lingo yet lol, but one is white and two are kind of light grey. I was told they are all hens, but was also told they are almost impossible to sex when they are young so I guess time will tell if they are forshure hens.
Well I am an Arizona native, and I am not use to it. AC, AC repairmen make really good money here. I mean REALLY GOOD. Also humid to us would be about 40%. We start to complain about 35% humidity.

For our chickens we kept a mister in the run. We would also hose down the grass (we hardly have any grass here)in our yard and make puddles through out so they dunk their feet in when we let them free range.

It is not to bad right now, it think was only 100 degrees today.
well, we had about 5 days this summer that were 99 and 100 degrees. the chickens all stand in front of the fans, it is the funniest sight with the silkies "hair" blowing in the breeze. My 7 year old nephew calls it hair, and it stuck. LOL. I gues you guys would croak if you had our 90% humidity days, huh?
I have 5 white Silkies--one roo named Opie (because of his red red comb) and four hens. They get along fine with my Buff Orp hens. Silkies were the first chickens I got last year.
Here is a couple of pics of mine.

Lavender Splash showgirl pullet

White silkie cockerel- BTY for sale

Black w silver chin silkie

Buff showgirl chick

lavender and white showgirls chicks

My boy R.I.P= White showgirl cockerel

A trio inside out oreo of silke's= sizzle, showgirls


My boy White silkie-Q-Tip

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