How many of you have chickens illegally

You are one of the lucky ones

BTW, You can't really count chickens as they never stay still long enough to get a fair count

When the authorities came to take pictures and docement their findings ...they could only count to 20 + 2 where the heck did the other 20 +1 roo go?
ITA = I totally agree.

Now is the part where I get to see if there is any crossover between this site and another I frequent:

"I lost all my chickens in a tragic boating accident."

If you laugh, you've outed yourself.
But seriously, I'm out in the country so it's not an issue. I'm not sure I'd break the law to have chickens, but until now, I've never lived anywhere with a yard big enough to consider having chickens, legal or not, so I've never really thought about it before.
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I am not illegal - I joined the 4H (as a supporting member -I am a little too old for their regular memberships...)

We are not allowed to have chickens unless we are in 4H. So we are...

We are also trying to buy some ranch land that's bordering on our property. If that were to happen (not likely- they aren't really looking to sell) then we would be free to have a whole chicken farm if we wanted to...
I don't think the NAIS can complity make chickens illigal. There are too many people who enjoy having their chickens. If any thing I bet we can teach other people of what rights the NAIS wants to take away.
How many of you have chickens illegally?

Um, ahem, that would be me.

We are allowed 20 hens. No roos.

Currently have 22 hens, 1 pullet and 2 roos.

No complaints yet. Eggs go to backyard neighbor again tomorrow.​

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