How Many of You have Friendly Roos and...

I have a BO roo who is really friendly to ME... but he's all over the girls like white on rice, and will fly at my sons if they get too close to the hens. He's just extremely protective of them. Which I like -- I've heard a hen give a distress call and seen him charge like lightning across the yard to help her. He attacks cats, too.

But he lets me carry him around, kiss his comb, etc!
Well.. let's see. I have one main roo, Rocky a d'Anvers about 8mos. Cocky little guy, but only with the girls. He's really protective, dances for them, isn't aggressive with his *duties*. He LOVES to feed them. He doesn't like to be picked up but will let me, and is calm about it. He's a great guy. Has only attacked one person (a child.. sadly) because she was harassing the hens. Didn't really try to hurt her though, just knocked her down. Not a scratch on her, but he did scare her. Talked to dh about processing him, but we agreed that he was just doing his job. Have never had a problem with him, even when I have to do something to his hens. But he keeps a close watch on me. I got him when he was about 5mos, and his prev. owner was a breeder who did shows. He was handled a lot.

Womy: Accidental cockeral, silkie x ameraucana (sp?? sorry..) About 17wks. Not friendly (hatched under a hen, and couldn't care less about people) but not really aggressive so far.. although he seems like he has the potential. Won't take treats from my hand, keeps his distance. Is headed for a dinner. Got him when he was 3 weeks. I held him a lot, kids held him a lot.

Lucky- bantam cochin cockeral. Only 10wks but sweetest guy ever. I hatched him from an egg, and he LOVES to cuddle. Too young to know about the girls, and his crowing is still in the kazoo stage
Still in the house since he's a baby, and will follow me around if I let him. Will be head roo in my bantam flock.

Edited to add requested ages and age when I got them.
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Lets see...

We had our first roo which was a white silkie, he was a great little guy just a little "chicken" no pun intended.

Next we have Rambo our Mille Fleur D'Uccle. He is soooooo SWEET! he loves to be held and is protective but not overly of his irls.

And our newest addition is a bantam barred rock roo. He is pretty calm/ sweet so far but we've only had him for two days.
Ok!! Looking like there are more friendly ones than mean ones here.....I was just wondering the odds of getting a nasty one...I really need to have a nice gentle fella around here. All of you that have the friendly ones, did you get them as babies and raise them in a certain way that you feel contributed to their friendliness?

I think I have finally decided on a Partridge Cochin....Anyone have any friendly Cochin roos ? I haven't ruled out any other breeds, but I am loving all the different stories......and Pics..Thanks!!
None of mine are over a year, I got most as day olds, the amerucanas I got as 6-8 week olds. Mine are interacted with daily so they dont get a chance to decide to be nasty.
Nobody's posting ages on their roos. I'd love to know if the nice ones are over a year old. I've heard that many are nice until that age.

I did.
That would be good to know, actually. Maybe some of the one's who posted can go back and put in the ages.​
My mean one was born mean. He's almost two. Hotwing is almost a year and Drumstick is 8 weeks.

Edited to add: If Hotwing gets mean, he's going to Cyn's and Drumstick will be my dad's problem!
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Oh yes, I have partridge Cochin roos. Had three, but the dog played with one too hard, so now I have two.

They went through a phase as teenagers when they were jerks. Caesar is a big scaredy-cat and won't let me touch him for any reason, just hangs out in the barn rafters and crows once in a great while. He is very gently with the one lady he shares with Arthur, one of my Buttercup roos. Hugo is very friendly but also brave--when I take the dog in to guard them for the day, Hugo stands between the dog and the ladies. The dog is now very calm and naps half the day, but Hugo still keeps an eye on him. Hugo is also...ah, how can I put this in a family-friendly forum...I should have named him Casanova. He walks up to the girls, and you can hear the Barry White in the background. The girls need saddles due to his attentions, although not too bad--they just look scruffy around the back. He does let me pet him, hold him, cuddle him a bit. He's a nice guy.

My two Buttercup roos, though, they are real buggers. Won't let themselves be held, make a noise that is not of the lord, wear the girls barebacked and don't do a darn thing when there's predators around. One of them bites Hugo's comb when Hugo is loving on the ladies.
Do you have any pictures of them?? do you think Cochins would be a good choice for me? I have 2 kids 4 and 6. The only thing that makes me a bit nervous it the size of them..they are one big bird!!!
Anyone else have any opinions?

Honestly..what are my chances of getting a friendly boy?? I am planning on only getting one and raising him in my house as I did my girls!! Lots of cuddle time!!!

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