How many of you really think it is possible??

Yes, I think it is possible. But I think It will take a major event to trigger anything on a grand scale.

possible triggers -

eliminination of all unemployment or welfare benefits

natural catastrophe - volcanic winter or ice age resulting in the elimination of at least one growing season

sars, birs flu or world wide epidemic
Hahahaha... for real!

If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen!!!
I don't really expect it to happen but feel it is at least possible. I'm about as prepaired as a person can be, but not expecting it to be a life changing thing for my family either way. We will do the best we can if anything happens or if it just stays the same.

I will say this though... Us poor folks will not be as affected as the rest of the country. We're used to protecting ourselves, growing our on food and living frugal. I sure do pity those in the city and those who have never had to make do with nothing if it ever does hit the fan.
This world has supposedly seen the end so many time it isn't even funny. And my state, California, has been on the brink of falling into the ocean since the beginning of time. I don't buy it.
I think humans have selective memory when they think the world's gotten worse than they recall.

I don't think it will happen. I think things have been worse before and nothing has happened. Or little has.
I think economic collapse is very likely and this will lead to civil unrest in SOME locations. It never hurts to be prepared for a disaster regardless of how you think the social, economic or political scene will play out.

Have 2 years worth of food on hand, water stored, and a way to defend yourself.

If nothing happens, you have food to give to family in trouble, neighbors or to donate to a food bank. If something happens, you are ready.
Now Debi, you know one day everything EAST of California is gonna just slide into the ocean...
Murphy's Law

Bonehead! My daughter really believes that we are toast on 12/12/12.

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