How many of you really think it is possible??

I have WHAT in my yard? :

We do what wifezilla does AND we have a generator. My concern is if fuel becomes hard to get for even a short term we have to have alternate methods.....


Thanks! You could also run it on heating oil if you have a tank, instead of fooling with gasoline.​
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I patently refuse to do anything that looks even vaguely like grading here!!! This is where I go to relax!!!!!! And be myself.

Good thing, because once you mentioned that you were a teacher, I started eyeballing your posts, for spelling and punctuation...It didn't take long.

(So, a big part of me is a geek
mostly people here are OK with that.)

So expound.... I am genuinely curious. We have walked and always will walk the tightrope, but the times when it frays fascinate and scare me. The tnesions are clearer now than they have been in a very long time. I too remember the riots of the 60s and 70s, but the group (subgroup) that was disenfranchised was a particular group. Today it is more wide spread and diverse.

Man, you must have come out of the 60's and 70's and forgot to leave it behind, what with waxing philosophical, about cars hurling themselves at each other and painted stripes on the roads.

Social engineering is relatively new concept, where everyones' life is supposed to be pleasantly planned, by the few, who deem themselves, just a little bit more intellegent, as if life hasn't taken care of itself, lo, these many years.

Congratulations, to those high minded socialists, because they have engineered us into an economic and societal black hole, which, unless reversed soon, will collapse upon itself, truly leveling the playing field....Printing paper money, by the bucketloads, and tossing it, like confetti, at the World Series Parade, will not stem the tide, of anger and resentment, of those who have had an honest and secure life completely disrupted, just because a cabal of self congratulatory intellegencia wanted to prove a point.

In the end, every man, [ Person, for those of you, who get uptight, about the term, man.] who can stand on his own two feet, without the help of some overriding nanny state, being sure he doesn't hurt himself, is going to be the winner.​
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Good thing, because once you mentioned that you were a teacher, I started eyeballing your posts, for spelling and punctuation...It didn't take long.

(So, a big part of me is a geek
mostly people here are OK with that.)

So expound.... I am genuinely curious. We have walked and always will walk the tightrope, but the times when it frays fascinate and scare me. The tnesions are clearer now than they have been in a very long time. I too remember the riots of the 60s and 70s, but the group (subgroup) that was disenfranchised was a particular group. Today it is more wide spread and diverse.

Man, you must have come out of the 60's and 70's and forgot to leave it behind, what with waxing philosophical, about cars hurling themselves at each other and painted stripes on the roads.

Social engineering is relatively new concept, where everyones' life is supposed to be pleasantly planned, by the few, who deem themselves, just a little bit more intellegent, as if life hasn't taken care of itself, lo, these many years.

Congratulations, to those high minded socialists, because they have engineered us into an economic and societal black hole, which, unless reversed soon, will collapse upon itself, truly leveling the playing field....Printing paper money, by the bucketloads, and tossing it, like confetti, at the World Series Parade, will not stem the tide, of anger and resentment, of those who have had an honest and secure life completely disrupted, just because a cabal of self congratulatory intellegencia wanted to prove a point.

In the end, every man, [ Person, for those of you, who get uptight, about the term, man.] who can stand on his own two feet, without the help of some overriding nanny state, being sure he doesn't hurt himself, is going to be the winner.

Pah. If civil rights violations were all it takes, we'd have had a revolt years ago. Nobody cares. That's what it comes down to. Americans gave up caring about their civil rights. There was a survey a while back - asking people whether they agreed with the following... with each question about something in the Bill of Rights. And what it came down to: if the Bill of Rights were up for a vote now - it wouldn't pass. And it wasn't a matter of lefties or righties. Both "sides" had things they thought shouldn't be in there.

The only way we're likely to have civil unrest is economic. And that would require pretty acute economic disaster, or some wide-ranging natural catastrophe. I was really expecting something on y2k. That was averted. (I know a lot of folks who worked in the industry and worked *hard* to avert any problems.) But now?? I don't expect much of the country. Guess I've gotten cynical.

I just don't see what will make enough people sufficiently desperate and it being sufficiently widespread to actually cause anything more than localized outbreaks of unrest.

Guess I'll go back to my chickens and my garden...
Good thing, because once you mentioned that you were a teacher, I started eyeballing your posts, for spelling and punctuation...It didn't take long.

(So, a big part of me is a geek
mostly people here are OK with that.)

So expound.... I am genuinely curious. We have walked and always will walk the tightrope, but the times when it frays fascinate and scare me. The tnesions are clearer now than they have been in a very long time. I too remember the riots of the 60s and 70s, but the group (subgroup) that was disenfranchised was a particular group. Today it is more wide spread and diverse.

Man, you must have come out of the 60's and 70's and forgot to leave it behind, what with waxing philosophical, about cars hurling themselves at each other and painted stripes on the roads.

Social engineering is relatively new concept, where everyones' life is supposed to be pleasantly planned, by the few, who deem themselves, just a little bit more intellegent, as if life hasn't taken care of itself, lo, these many years.

Congratulations, to those high minded socialists, because they have engineered us into an economic and societal black hole, which, unless reversed soon, will collapse upon itself, truly leveling the playing field....Printing paper money, by the bucketloads, and tossing it, like confetti, at the World Series Parade, will not stem the tide, of anger and resentment, of those who have had an honest and secure life completely disrupted, just because a cabal of self congratulatory intellegencia wanted to prove a point.

In the end, every man, [ Person, for those of you, who get uptight, about the term, man.] who can stand on his own two feet, without the help of some overriding nanny state, being sure he doesn't hurt himself, is going to be the winner.

SIGH. Social engineering is a VERY old concept. The Romans were especially good at it and waxed philosophical about it at length.

And once I mentioned I was a teacher I became fodder for what? A chance to make yourself feel better if I make errors? I do, fairly regularly. I like to think I learn from them. Being able to teach a subject does not make me an expert in all of them nor do I ever pretend to be one. I come here because I find people who know many many things that I do not know, and I treasure their willingness to share what they know so freely.

You go on being your old cranky self. If I am lucky I will learn from you wether you like me or not.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

How many of you really think that major civil unrest/societal destabilization is likely in the next five years?

Civil unrest is entirely possible and can occur under 5 years, if the conditions are right.
Historically, nations that fall to societal upheaval have a majority population (75-90% of people) in severe poverty, unable to work, with no homes and little food. People with nothing more to lose need little pushing to do something drastic. In my opinion that won't happen in the next 5 years. There will probably be riots and isolated incidents but no full blown warfare with the top 10%.
Nations that have had social destabilization have also had a single ruling class without change for extended amounts of time, monarchies and dictatorships. We change our political regimes every few years, we give ourselves a chance to correct what's gone wrong, and we have a chance to escape our own social class.

I believe there will be unhappy people in the bottom 15% that will take to violent actions. Many will ignore them, some will join them, and while they may rise up and cause damage, they will also be cut down. There is no guarantee that their uprising and rioting will change anything for the better. Upheaval in France brought down the monarchy and saved the country from total collapse, riots in Germany lead to a world war that cost millions of lives.​
Never in our history has society changed so dramatically as it has in the past 50 years. If it keeps up at this pace, who knows what is in store for us!
Personally, I think we need to eliminate a major percentage of lawyers and news reporters. ( I myself was trained as a journalist, so I am being a bit critical here.) Lawyers are making most of our laws and, they are intentionally writing laws to be open to interpretation. Since they are trained in college to win their cases based on arguments, anything open to interpretation is good fodder for them. Doesn't matter what is *right*, but can we make an argument for it?
News reporters have too much time to fill on all media. Face it folks: there just isn't that much real news out there that will bring in the ratings, so let's expound on everything and kill it to death to fill air /paper time. If we can get the masses riled, so much the better for ratings and our jobs!
We don't need this. let's get back to basics and the golden rule.
One thing that does concern me is the comparison of the USA to the rest of the world. Whilst we are pampering our children, giving them a much better life and guarding them from seeing hard realities, the rest of the world's new generation is slugging it out and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and learning what previous generations did the hard way. I do wonder what happens when the pampered ones are subjected to the harsh realities of life: be it job loss, famine, or war.
Gosh, I hope they rise to the occasion!
Oh, to answer the OPs question... all it will take is the right spark to explode in the right powder keg!
The govt will have to start cutting social programs soon that really is not debatable. If you don't think these nanny state folks with these cradle to grave entitlements dreams will not revolt when their gov money runs dry better start burying your head in the sand. The govt with their give a man a fish instead of teach a man to fish mentality have created this welfare state that is going to collapse. Can you imagine what will start happening in these large inercity areas when programs start getting cut. It will start affecting large amounts of the population in a negative way. Hopefully the govt will be able to hold it together, but I am not holding my breath.

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