How many of you really think it is possible??

I have WHAT in my yard? :

Good thing, because once you mentioned that you were a teacher, I started eyeballing your posts, for spelling and punctuation...It didn't take long.

(So, a big part of me is a geek
mostly people here are OK with that.)

Man, you must have come out of the 60's and 70's and forgot to leave it behind, what with waxing philosophical, about cars hurling themselves at each other and painted stripes on the roads.

Social engineering is relatively new concept, where everyones' life is supposed to be pleasantly planned, by the few, who deem themselves, just a little bit more intellegent, as if life hasn't taken care of itself, lo, these many years.

Congratulations, to those high minded socialists, because they have engineered us into an economic and societal black hole, which, unless reversed soon, will collapse upon itself, truly leveling the playing field....Printing paper money, by the bucketloads, and tossing it, like confetti, at the World Series Parade, will not stem the tide, of anger and resentment, of those who have had an honest and secure life completely disrupted, just because a cabal of self congratulatory intellegencia wanted to prove a point.

In the end, every man, [ Person, for those of you, who get uptight, about the term, man.] who can stand on his own two feet, without the help of some overriding nanny state, being sure he doesn't hurt himself, is going to be the winner.​

SIGH. Social engineering is a VERY old concept. The Romans were especially good at it and waxed philosophical about it at length.

And once I mentioned I was a teacher I became fodder for what? A chance to make yourself feel better if I make errors? I do, fairly regularly. I like to think I learn from them. Being able to teach a subject does not make me an expert in all of them nor do I ever pretend to be one. I come here because I find people who know many many things that I do not know, and I treasure their willingness to share what they know so freely.

You go on being your old cranky self. If I am lucky I will learn from you wether you like me or not.

It sounds like you have a really interesting job. Being able to debate young minds that aren't case hardened yet must be refreshing. I love open minded people that are willing to learn a few new tricks. I have learned a lot from people on this forum. It's interesting to listen to people express their opinions on things. I disagree with a lot of opinions. Even those from some of the left leaning people on here. I agree with some opinions from the right leaners.

You have to be open minded. Unfortunately I don't see much open mindedness in politics. As has been expressed on this thread. They are all out for themselves. I just agree with the dems on a lot more issues than the pubs. I disagree with the way the dems implement a lot of policies, but it could be much worse. All I have to do is remember 2000-2006.

If we get enough people in the streets without jobs or any hope, we might see social revolt. They won't let it get to that point though. Those people can vote and they will vote out anyone that wants to put them on the street. The dems won't cut the programs, too much social conscious. The pubs wont do it for fear of losing too many votes. Sorry, just don't see it happening. Just more scare hype from the right in my opinion. It is fun to fantasize about it though.

I do take seriously the fear of food and gas going up. That's something that will most likely happen in a real bad way.
Hopefully they start cutting and consolidating govt departments. We have so much absolute waste in govt, like food safety for instance there are like 8-10 different dept overseeing food safety. Yet we are still having lots of outbreaks of foodbourne illness. These type of things will cost some jobs but they will go back to the private sector. Reduce the size of govt reduce waste. The US is currently borrowing $.40 of every dollar it spends it is unsustainable. Who on earth thinks that borrowing money to pay our debts is wise economically. This makes no sense no matter who we vote for.
There's a lot of waste. No doubt about it. All sorts of stupid procedures that stay in place and waste money. Too bad they can't run it like a business and still help people that need it and keep dishonest people in line. Is that an oxymoron?
I think every generation of people throughout human history has had their own reasons to feel that way. I'll be fine no matter what. Rome fell, we will too, eventually.
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I think it might just happen,but I believe the reason will be some catstrofic natural happening. There are so many tremors happening,and the weather is so screwed up all across the nation. I think its very likey some major natural disastor is going to happen.And with the way people are so bad about going off half cocked about everything I am sure there will be revolt against the government both local and national for not doing more,like they would be able to anyway.
I think major civil unrest is guarunteed to an extent. What with the inevitable bankruptcy of Lord knows how many government safety nets, a still-collapsing economy with no sign of recovery, at least two potential and probable new wars, and new New Deal programs, among other factors, some degree of unrest and disorder is to be expected.

Fighting in the streets? Maybe, but doubtful. I think (yeah, I know, crazy conspiracy theorist
) that within a few years outright martial law is a distinct possibility. The US is already developing into something of a security state. The governments, state, local, and national, will either shrink, implode, cooperate with their citizens, or push a large portion of Americans to the limit.

Kla37, it IS inevitable. IMO, it's up to us to choose HOW the United States go. It will be a miracle if the US as a centralized, consolidated nation survives this.

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