How many of you really think it is possible??

ON. The more i read things here and on SS I agree with the whole chain system collapsing. I know it would be better for me. I'm not sure our metro areas could continue with just small farms. I would sure like to see more of them. I know we are sure giving it a shot on our little farm. I think it's a growing fad. Soon to become a real solid business. People that can afford it are going that way by the droves.

As for war. I think it depends on who is Commander in Chief. If Bush could have had a 3rd term, I think we would have hit Iran by now. As it is our next leader may take up where Bush left off. The 2 wars we are currently fighting are killing the country. A war with Iran would probably finish draining us financially. That's not even thinking about Korea. I'm afraid of another war monger getting in office and doing the pre-emptive war thing. After all the defense and prison industries are the only growth industries in the country. The war on drugs was created to feed the ever growing commercialized prison system. Big money to be had putting young men that can't afford a real attorney in jail for a few joints. Lots of money in killing people too. Whenever you want to know what is really happening, just follow the money. See who is making the profit and who is directing it their way.
How about it? Surveyors use dated maps so they know how much the magnetic deviation is from year to year. Boy Scouts are supposed to be taught that there is a difference in magnetic north and true north when they get their orienteering merit badge. I even remember it being taught in school several decades ago. That movement is erratic, not always going in the same direction and not always moving at a steady pace. If you desire, you can look at it as the end of the world is here, we are all going to die, or you could consider it as a natural phenomenon that goes on all the time. Whatever makes you happy.
I agree the concept of preemptive wars is really frightening. That goes counter to the concept that you have to actually run a red light before you get a ticket for running a red light. There is nothing wrong with having a cop watching and prepared to write that ticket, but the ticket should not be given until the light is run. There is nothing wrong with having a military ready that can fight a war, but I think there is something wrong with starting the war. Maybe that is why conspiracy is really hard to prove in court. That becomes a bit of a murky, preemptive action, proving conspiracy. I do like the idea of a cop visibly sitting at a corner where people often run red lights as a deterent, but don't write the ticket until the light is run.

I agree you almost always follow the money, but I do not believe the war on drugs originated just to populate the jails. But then I don't use drugs. I did not like how grass took away my self-control. I can face life using my unaltered mind. I don't even like pain-killers, even aspirin, unless there is a real strong need. If you want to stop the war on drugs, stop using drugs. Prison populations drop, the Mexican drug cartels lose their power, the Taliban loses a major source of funding. But as long as you use drugs, you are funding those efforts. Have a nice day and follow the money.
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My Druid friends are very concerned... We do not know why the dinosaurs went extinct do we? It is my understanding the entire polarity of the poles may change. Apparently it has happened several times in our planets history.

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I suspect that MOST Americans are far too "egocentric" to rally to ANY cause which would create wide-spread "havoc".

So...I think it is unlikely for any MAJOR "societal destabilization" to occur UNLESS "forced" through "outside sources" by something similar to the Airliner Attack of 9-11....and THEN it is still very remote.

Life goes on....

Normal variation for magnetic north pole wandering is about 3 degrees or 40 miles or so. 10 degrees is a big jump. Tampa, Dulles and other airports have been closed to update the runways.

Before a pole shift or reversal, there will be increased volcanic activity and large earthquakes. The magnetic field will weaken precipitously. The loony toon press maintain that either of these situations will cause calamity. The mainstream scientists seem to think the only effect will be causing the electrical grid to become more unstable and then go down. For a time.
Dunkopf, I'm very aware that prohibition on drugs is not going to work any better than prohibition on alcohol, but your follow the money comment left too wide an opening. The way it is set up, I do think there is some truth I my money trail, so change the way it is set up. I think some drugs should be outright banned and vigorously fought against. They clearly and quickly destroy people including those around them. Think meth and heroin. But as far as grass, I'd like to see it decriminalized more in line with alcohol, with specific tests to determine amount of marijuana intoxication and penalties for driving under the influence. If you choose to use something that impairs your ability to think and react, there should be consequences.

I also think age of military service, voting age, and permission to use alcohol should be linked. My 60's roots are probably showing. Responsibility and privelege should go together.

When this thread started, I took the OP's question related to disruption more severe than the 60's and early 70's. Now it appears the change criteria is much more relaxed. I agree there will always be change and any change is disruptive, even if it is a change for the "better". Often, it takes several years before we understand if the change is for the better or otherwise.
Poles change, volcanoes erupt, earth quakes happen, glaciers cover entire continents just to recede and then advance again, virus wipes out entire civilization, mass extinction happens across the globe and yet life goes on! Humanity could be wiped out tomorrow and lets face it as one of my professors used to say “despite how important we think we are humans are barely a blink of an eye in the timeline of the universe. It won’t even notice that we are gone.” I prefer not to worry about it!

Although I don’t think some major societal upheaval is very likely in the near future. We would need some major catalysis to spark that. Maybe Lady Gage will be elected president at the next election… now wouldn’t that be fabulous!

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