How many of you really think it is possible??

Oh I think it a coming, and I won't tell what I'm doing to prepare for it either, the government is spying on everyone and reading everything that we post on here.
Just trying to be funny. But I really do think it is coming. Maybe in a few (Guess 10 or so years.), maybe sooner.
Well I'm taking a left turn here. We just had an assassination in Az that is not being discussed because it was a moderate Democrat that got killed along with some innocent people. She was obviously not shot by a person of sound mind and obviously that person didn't represent the average person that didn't like this woman.

My issue is in the rhetoric that is put out by the opposition to people of a specific political persuasion. The talkers on certain radio and TV stations actually use words and pictures depicting targets on peoples faces and making statements about getting people in their sights and such. This kind of rhetoric is understood by people of sound mind. People that are not of sound mind will actually pick up an easily available firearm and start shooting people.

If this was something that happened on both sides it would be understandable. However it is kind of one sided. The people that have the biggest megaphone out there by a very long shot. 4000 radio stations compared to somewhere around 400. Plus a TV station that puts out lies and riles people up 24 hours a day are destroying this country. Nobody listens to Ed Schultz and decides they are going to get their gun and go shoot some bigot. Instead they listen to GB or the drugster and decide to go on a rampage. I'm all for free speech. What these guys are doing is tantamount to yelling fire in a theater.

Social disintegration. Yeah it's starting alright. If the looney talkers shut up then maybe it will stop.

JMO. Someone has to say it.
I just try and avoid talk radio all together. It usually just makes me depressed
! I do like OPB though, at least then I get the news on a regular basis.
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Dunkopf, Ya got a link that says she was killed, word on the net is she is still alive. I'm certainly no fan of GB, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone say he promotes outright killing. Please spare us your ranting unless you can back up your words with proof and links to your source. The individual that committed this crime is way out in left field if you ask me. Pot smoking anti-social left wing nut job.

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