How many of you really think it is possible??

How about straight up campaign finance reform. NO private money....
Last I checked we the people own the airwaves...Lets use them for more debates..

It is not about the debates. Those are scripted, negotiated, and planned to such a great detail that it is rare that we really learn about the substance of someone through them. The debates are important and I would really like to see some more of them if they were more free-flowing but they have been greatly controlled since Kennedy's makeup people trounced Nixon's lack of makeup people. It did not take them long to learn what is important in debates. And did it take a debate to figure out that Sarah didn't even know where Russia is? The handlers know their candidate's strengths and weaknesses. They will plan the campaign, from debate rules to interviews to speeches accordingly. Candidates get points from me if they are willing to answer some unplanned questions but I've seen corporate stockholder's meetings. Even the random questions from the audience are well scripted. I see no reason to think any differently about town hall meetings. The campaign signs in the front yard, the expensive billboards (billboards are not cheap. If you see a billboard, there is money behind that), the radio and TV commercials, the press releases, they all tell us something about the candidate, even the negative ads I hate so much have their value in learning about the morals and integrity of the candidate, not in the negative message in the ad but in how the candidate responds to negative ads about his opponent, whether from his campaign or from his "uncontrolled" supporters. I don't clutter my car with campaign stickers or put signs in my front yard, but I want to keep the constitutional right to voice my opinion if I want to.

No appointed positions, they seem to get around conflict of interest pretty easily.. We have way to many fox's in the hen houses.

Would you rather have someone there that does not know what a fox looks like or how dangerous they are. Do you want someone heading the Treasury Department that does not know the difference between a T-bill and a Savings Bond. Do you want someone heading the USDA that does not understand how many American jobs are due to exports of American foodstuffs? The different government departments are like huge corporations. It takes experience and skill to head up those departments. If he/she is a competent manager, the absolute top person does not have to have a tremendous amount of expertise in that field, though basic knowledge is a plus. They need to be able to manage. But the people that support the top person needs to have very detailed knowledge of what they are doing. In my opinion, it is not that there are too many foxes in the henhouse, there are too many "You're doing a good job, Brownie" people in the top positions. A good manager will pick competent people. An incompetent manager will not pick competent people. We Americans that bother to vote often do not do a good job of picking copetent people in the top positions. Of course, a few of us on this forum might have a little trouble agreeing on a definition of competent.

Editted because of that darn spelling.
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Stay out of my life
Stay out of my pocket
Stay out of my bedroom
Stay out of my kitchen
Stay out of my garden
Stay out of my chicken house
Stay out of my religion.

I agree with your list except the stay out of my pocket. I'm willing to pay my own way. I'm willing to pay a fair price for what I receive. One thing I receive is government services. There are a whole lot of government services I would like to see less of, but I believe unless you have an active stake in what is going on, you are not really going to be that interested in it. It does not have to be a lot, but I think people need to understand that government money is really coming from the them. It is not free money.

Along those lines, around here the county governing body is the Quorum Court. I've been to Quorum Court meetings. Have you been to the equivalent in your area? I'm speaking to the forum, not just Royd.
And did it take a debate to figure out that Sarah didn't even know where Russia is?

Well, you are wrong about that, so we, obviously, know your politcal bent....Why, you didn't even quote the SNL skit, which was also wrong, but since we are being petty, why would you vote for someone for president, who hasn't even studied this country's geography....There are only 50 states, not 57.....Let me guess, he gets a pass, because he wants to coopt the private sector into the government, and you like the idea of 6,000 people, who are supposed to be doing their jobs, holding a city of 7 million hostage, because they don't think they are making enough money.​
Stay out of my life
Stay out of my pocket
Stay out of my bedroom
Stay out of my kitchen
Stay out of my garden
Stay out of my chicken house
Stay out of my religion.

I agree with your list except the stay out of my pocket. I'm willing to pay my own way. I'm willing to pay a fair price for what I receive. One thing I receive is government services. There are a whole lot of government services I would like to see less of, but I believe unless you have an active stake in what is going on, you are not really going to be that interested in it. It does not have to be a lot, but I think people need to understand that government money is really coming from the them. It is not free money.

Along those lines, around here the county governing body is the Quorum Court. I've been to Quorum Court meetings. Have you been to the equivalent in your area? I'm speaking to the forum, not just Royd.

No, what you recieve is paying ten people to shuffle papers, just to accomplish what one man, in the private sector, could do, by himself.....Government is bloated, with users and moochers...I can guarantee, that I could walk into any government office, if I had the power, eliminate half the jobs, and the organization would still have slack time.....You get paid for 8hr...You don't work 6 hrs.....You see, that's the amazing thing about being self employed...You learn that lesson, quickly. If the hands and feet aren't moving money and time is being wasted.
My point was that while debates have value, they don't tell us everything we need to know about the candidates. The other parts of the campaign process also add value, whether we enjoy them or not. And I do believe a lot of the campaign events, such as debates, town hall meeting, interviews, and such are as scripted as the SNL skits.

If you have read my posts, you may be able to figure out my political bent, if it is that important to you. Sometimes I vote for Democrats. Sometimes I vote for Republicans. Sometimes I vote for others. And usually my vote is more against a certain candidate more than for a certain one, choosing the lesser of the evils. I'm not a one issue voter, instead I try to look at the overall picture. And sometimes I am embarrassed at who I voted for when I see how wrong I was.
It will happen The bible says it will
And people who say: they have been saying it for years and it still has not happened( will that just what the bible say they will say). look up folks he is coming
I remember Sarah on with Katie Couric SP? It was a bad interview. She came to that interview with no facts at all and handled it terribly. She has gotten better though. A little basic training goes a long way. Look at Bush. By the end of his Presidency he could make a cognizant sentence. That's mud under the bridge though. By 2012 SP will know that the only way you can see Russia from Alaska is on a real clear day from that peninsula and on a map. It's ok though. Obama has twice her IQ and he thought we had 57 states. He probably knows more about Kenya I bet.

Sarah is in the news again. After the shootings in AZ, the first thing her staff had to do was go into her website and scrub all the hate rhetoric and targets off of opponents faces. I wonder how many more people in the spotlight will have to do that over the next couple days. Let's hope some of them do.

The local Sheriff where the shootings were made a point of calling out the media on the level of hate and vitriol being spewed on air. Good for him. The elephant in the room needs a face and needs to find the door out. Maybe they will tone it down a little bit and start reporting facts instead. I know that's a lot to hope for. Not much money in truth anymore.
Royd, I SO agree. Our government is NOT frugal and is incredibly wasteful when it comes to running our country from a business perspective. My farm is next to the Antietam Battlefield here in Sharpsburg, MD. This summer, they revamped the visitor center (which was fine), ripped up the sidewalk... to add a newer one
and brought in heavy machinery to dig down around all the monuments, poor concrete pads and lay brick walkways around them...I think the grass looked much better... AND, they widened some of the roads THAT NO ONE EVER DRIVES ON ANYWAY ... I couldn't believe the frivolous spending.. in this type of an economy when we are SO far in the hole. What do they think!? You and I are cutting out what we can to live simpler and trying to be as resourceful as possible and learning to live a different lifestyle and our government is spending $1,000,000+ (saw it on the "your Federal dollars at work" sign out front) ripping out what was just fine and installing what no one even needed or cared about... wanted to cry. There OUR tax dollars ... why don't we have a say?

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