How many of you really think it is possible??

That was wasting stimulus dollars at work. The states decided where the money would go. That's where they spent your share. The fed gave a real short time to use the money in an attempt to put jobs out there all at once. A lot of states used it wastefully. A lot used it wastefully to try to make Obama look bad. You would have to be blind not to see the federal waste. It was at it's highest during 80-88. It has gone down some but is still very bloated. Obama still hasn't gotten his scalpel out as far as I can tell. Should have elected Ross Perot. He told us what was going to happen when Nafta was signed. He was right on every count. Too bad he was too short for the job and had a funny voice. Also too bad he was an Independent. He might have gotten elected and we might still have a manufacturing base.
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Here we go, again...First, just some petty cheap shots....Let me tell you, today's MSM has a political agenda...They are not about presenting the truth or the whole story, and they, too, are petty and just love to play "gotcha" journalism.

And if you were as cognizant, as you act, you would know that The Daily Kos, also scrubbed a map with targets, of which Congresswoman Giffords name was on, and another blog, which stated that she was dead, to this particular blogger.....BTW, How is it, that I can link to Daily Kos, from Drudge, but I can't link to Drudge from Daily Kos?.....Talk about a close minded site.

ETA: Wiley E Coyote is twice as smart as the Road Runner, too.
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Here we go, again...First, just some petty cheap shots....Let me tell you, today's MSM has a political agenda...They are not about presenting the truth or the whole story, and they, too, are petty and just love to play "gotcha" journalism.

And if you were as cognizant, as you act, you would know that The Daily Kos, also scrubbed a map with targets, of which Congresswoman Giffords name was on, and another blog, which stated that she was dead, to this particular blogger.....BTW, How is it, that I can link to Daily Kos, from Drudge, but I can't link to Drudge from Daily Kos?.....Talk about a close minded site.

ETA: Wiley E Coyote is twice as smart as the Road Runner, too.

Yup, gotta agree and SP was made to look stupid on purpose all setup by MSM as usual. Oh, I voted Ron Paul,
Only thing I don't agree on is the long hair thing. Why, because I could never get mine to grow long enough, it would just get to a certain length and then brake off, I'm jealous. Oh, no tats on my arms or anywhere.
Note: the picture on my Fl CCW permit does kind of make me look like something you might see posted in the PO.
Biggest problem with long hair is that it's too easy to grab the person. Short hair leaves less to grab hold of. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

But I get far more smiles, from the ladies, with my long, wavy locks, than I do with it cut short...Then, I just look like something on a wanted poster.

ETA: I'm about sick of overweight men, with shaved heads and a stupid tribal tattoo, on their biceps, thinking that they are some kind of bad MMA fighter.

I was joking. I've read enough bad scifi/fantasy novels to know why long hair would be bad in the zombie apocalypse. I just can't be bothered to get it cut. It's easier to tie it up than to style it.

And for some reason DH likes long hair. Every time I talk about cutting it off he starts yapping about his mother's hair. Then I start yapping about Oedipus and Freud. Then he goes away and bees engineer-ry for awhile. It must be soothing to be engineer-ry.

I will cut this off at some point. There is no way that I want to be the 50 year old lady with blunt-cut bangs and bleached blonde hair down to my butt. nu-uh

But I see we have moved on to weightier topics.........
Weightier topics like tattoos.....I have a few. Evidence of my misspent youth. No tribal though....

and i am not a guy or bald
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Yes this hair thing is a bit off the topic, however, years ago my DW had long hair and I did like it that way, but one day she got fed up and got it cut. One morning she was standing in the bedroom in front of the mirror getting dress, doing her hair or whatever it is women do and said right out of the blue, "Short hair isn't a sin!" I almost fell over laughing at her. All those years she held on to some religious restriction about long hair from her youth and not until she realized the hypocrisy of it all did she finally find a release from that part of her life. Regardless that I'd been telling her it was alright if she wanted to cut her hair, guess my say wasn't as influential as I thought ...
Here we go, again...First, just some petty cheap shots....Let me tell you, today's MSM has a political agenda...They are not about presenting the truth or the whole story, and they, too, are petty and just love to play "gotcha" journalism.

And if you were as cognizant, as you act, you would know that The Daily Kos, also scrubbed a map with targets, of which Congresswoman Giffords name was on, and another blog, which stated that she was dead, to this particular blogger.....BTW, How is it, that I can link to Daily Kos, from Drudge, but I can't link to Drudge from Daily Kos?.....Talk about a close minded site.

ETA: Wiley E Coyote is twice as smart as the Road Runner, too.

What's the Daily Koss? I don't read political websites. I'm glad they scrubbed their site if they had targets on anybody. That's just wrong.

As for SP being made to look stupid. She was the one that said the stupid stuff. It wasn't a setup question or anything. Joe Biden has said some really stupid stuff too.

Whats MSM by the way. I've never watched it or MSN which I think you may be referring to I know MSN has some liberals mixed in and their conservatives aren't real conservative or at least aren't falling off the right side anyway. I've already stated that they all need to tone it down. If the shoe fits wear it. If you see a lot of hate and vitriol on what you watch or what you listen to, than send them an e-mail and let them know they are bad doggies. Let them know you enjoy their programming but don't like the lies and hate. Write their sponsers and let them know too. They don't care about people that don't watch them anyway. So people like me won't make any difference. We don't have a TV that gets anything but DVD movies. I listen to one show on the radio each morning. The guy has just as much criticism for Obama as he does for any right winger. Today he apologized for being part of the media and anything he may have said to stir up hatred. They should all be doing that today.

Go ahead and try to deny all the hate on the radio and TV. You know it's there. Just admit it and set your soul free. We're all in this together. Those people on both sides of the media are trying to turn us against each other just for the sake of money. The politicians and wanna be's are just tools.
Here we go, again...First, just some petty cheap shots....Let me tell you, today's MSM has a political agenda...They are not about presenting the truth or the whole story, and they, too, are petty and just love to play "gotcha" journalism.

And if you were as cognizant, as you act, you would know that The Daily Kos, also scrubbed a map with targets, of which Congresswoman Giffords name was on, and another blog, which stated that she was dead, to this particular blogger.....BTW, How is it, that I can link to Daily Kos, from Drudge, but I can't link to Drudge from Daily Kos?.....Talk about a close minded site.

ETA: Wiley E Coyote is twice as smart as the Road Runner, tooWhat's the Daily Koss? I don't read political websites. I'm glad they scrubbed their site if they had targets on anybody. That's just wrong.

As for SP being made to look stupid. She was the one that said the stupid stuff. It wasn't a setup question or anything. Joe Biden has said some really stupid stuff too.

Whats MSM by the way. I've never watched it or MSN which I think you may be referring to I know MSN has some liberals mixed in and their conservatives aren't real conservative or at least aren't falling off the right side anyway. I've already stated that they all need to tone it down. If the shoe fits wear it. If you see a lot of hate and vitriol on what you watch or what you listen to, than send them an e-mail and let them know they are bad doggies. Let them know you enjoy their programming but don't like the lies and hate. Write their sponsers and let them know too. They don't care about people that don't watch them anyway. So people like me won't make any difference. We don't have a TV that gets anything but DVD movies. I listen to one show on the radio each morning. The guy has just as much criticism for Obama as he does for any right winger. Today he apologized for being part of the media and anything he may have said to stir up hatred. They should all be doing that today.

Go ahead and try to deny all the hate on the radio and TV. You know it's there. Just admit it and set your soul free. We're all in this together. Those people on both sides of the media are trying to turn us against each other just for the sake of money. The politicians and wanna be's are just tools.


You are on the computer....Google it. It's a rabid, foaming at the mouth, far left website, and it definately is not filled with the Kumbaya Love, which the left claims, as their final goal.

There is nothing, that self serving politicians love more than an apathetic constituency. As long as everyone can be dealt a modicum of happiness and contentment, then, they can put their agendas into place, without any resistance.....Well, what has happened, in the last 4 years, is that these politicians saw no reason to,slowly, turn up the heat, on the frog boiling kettle, and that was their mistake. All of these frogs, which have been basking in the 140 degree water, suddenly realize that it's getting hot, and are starting to hop out of the kettle.

Now, the politicians, instead of recognizing their mistake, are wanting to blame the frogs, for not staying in the kettle.

Remember this; politicians are our servants, not our rulers....They are not smarter than us, and it is not their place to enact legislation, just because they think it will be good for us.

There is definately something wrong with the system, when a very small minority, of the population, can force the majority to bend to their will, thus, taking away the freedom of the majority.

Here's something else the politicians haven't thought about. When you continually raise taxes and fees on the people, who have been living the laissez faire, apathetic lifestyle, and suddenly, they can't afford the car or the food or the house, which they believe is their God given right, people start to wake up and get restless. I see all of this, as a good thing.....Politicians are the ones who need to wake up, every morning and toe the line, not the populace.
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All right everyone let's all play nice. I want to keep this thread open.

THere have always been hate groups and there have always been nasty politics. You should go back and read what some of the campaigns said about the candidates when Jefferson first ran!! The difference is the speed at which the message gets out and the gullibility of the people who believe it.

We all really need to leave the left right paradigm alone. That is SO not the point.

So, there won't be any real civil unrest because they have succeeded in deflecting the general public again. And we will be all too busy going after each other to notice whose really reaming us.

We have pizza.
We have beer.
We have reality shows.
We're good to go for another decade or two.

Just don't cut any of those off!

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