How many of you really think it is possible??

I see a lot of you people are missing the whole point. Live in your shells. That's how things get accomplished. That website isn't a Gore website. It's the Joint Chiefs. I know it sounds like some kind of dope smoking thing, but it's not. The joint chiefs are those 5 guys you saw sitting in the front row at Bushes last State of the Union. They were at Obamas too, but I'm sure you didn't see either of those. They all had uniforms on from each branch of the Armed Services. Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard. They are the top dogs in those 5 branches. Their job is to defend the United States of America. The report is for them to use to decide what they need to be prepared for in the future. They advise the President and Congress on what is needed. Just a little back ground in case you didn't know.

Distilling some water to put in a 30 year old battery isn't quite the same as desalinating enough water to provide hydration for a couple billion people in a drought zone. I don't believe Gore ever said the ocean was rising 20 ft. Fact is that it is rising and a very large percentage of the worlds major population centers are built on coastline. It doesn't have to rise 20' to do a lot of flooding and get salt water into aquifers and fresh water sources.

Don't worry too much though. As long as we have people laughing at existing problems it will all be ok. Even Bush finally admitted that Global warming was actually occurring. Just because the facts about energy resources are based on solid science doesn't mean they aren't true. Believe it or not, science actually has helped mankind.

The feedback on this has been really sad. Everything has to be partisan for some reason. There's nothing partisan about that report. I'm not being political either. The responses sure have been though.
So what's the problem..You've already stated that the best thing for this world is less population, or are you just worried about saving your butt?
So what's the problem..You've already stated that the best thing for this world is less population, or are you just worried about saving your butt?

I'm not worried about my butt or yours. I'm worried about the USA and people that think that we don't have a problem, so aren't willing to do anything about it.

Where did I say anything about less population being the answer? If you read that report you would see that the countries that will be doing better are the ones with a younger population. Reason being that the countries with slower growing populations will have more old farts that don't contribute to society and only pull from it. China will be having that problem because of their 1 child only policy. That 1 child will be supporting 4 grandparents and 2 parents. The same thing will be happening here but not as badly because we will have a lot of immigration from the south. That culture tends to have lots of children, so there will be a bigger pool of resources to support the elderly, including the non immigrants. I find that part very amusing. I'm already reaching old fart status. If I'm worried about anyone I am worried about my children. I'll be dead or close to it by the time it might get bad.

I was just hoping for some intelligent discussion. Sorry.
Hey, it was just a little fun. I worry about China more than the water supply. I see they are test flying stealth fighters now that's just great! People worry about some little tyrant in Iran while China builds the largest military in the world. Is anyone concerned that communists are the new super power?
Yep. They are building their economic base first and steadily increasing their military base. They are worried about oil. They have a lot of people in the Mid East right now. We're all trying to secure our oil futures. I think we might see some air battles over there with the Chinese. That report goes into a lot of detail about how precision weapons are getting much more prevalent and cheaper. Kind of like flat screen TV's. Small countries are expected to make alliances and wage wars with cheaply purchased weapons.

All these countries are growing and making money because of global trading. They all want to live at our standard and there just isn't enough resources to go around. That includes the Chinese. They aren't quite the super power everyone thinks they are. They're getting there though.
You know the world is getting pretty scarey these days. I don't know what is coming in the future, what ever it is we are not in a very good position to deal with it at this point.
Another reason to worry about China is that one-child policy you mentioned. Sex-ratios are are very unbalanced with many more boys than girls. As those boys become young men, they won't be able to find wives. Women are a mitigating influence on young men. It's the young men who are generally responsible for violent crime and other antisocial shenanigans. What's China gonna do with all those young men?
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Note that I did not say End of the World. I merely said civil unrest/social destabilization......

The SHTF scenario is a personal thing. I think it already has hit the fan for alot of people. And unrest does not mean collapse, just potential serious problems. I am with wifezilla in being prepared. When I hear major storm coming I sit back and wait. I don't have 2 years worth of food!

I am really curious about this as the more people that believe it is possible the more likely it becomes.

Uh obviously all of the above are possible. Anyone seen the news lately Hurricanes, floods, mudslides, fires, war, earthquakes nuclear bombs, aging power plants, debris from space it is all possible. Look at what happens when people have lost everything eg; Haiti- disease, famine, homelessness, jobless, the government cant rebuild themselves let alone the country.

Personally I believe it will happen and I am not worried about it because here we know how to take care of ourselves and our family and neighbors already.​
I don't believe Gore ever said the ocean was rising 20 ft. Fact is that it is rising and a very large percentage of the worlds major population centers are built on coastline. It doesn't have to rise 20' to do a lot of flooding and get salt water into aquifers and fresh water sources.

Gore has been preaching this stuff, for the last 15 years. He was the lynchpin, behind the whole global warming, carbon credit scam, just hoping that the govt. would force his money grabbing scheme through, with legislation, which would force each and every one of us to give him some.

He was claiming that the poles were going to melt and NYC would be under water. Guess what. There are only two major land masses under ice..Greenland and Antartica.

The whole North Pole could melt tomorrow and the water wouldn't rise one inch. BTW, there's your source of fresh water, if you want to get it.

As for your report from the Chiefs of Staff, I'm not going to read it....I spend most of my spare time, perusing the news sources....We have an immediate threat, within our own country, right now, which is trying to subvert the very foundation upon which the country was established. Sadly, a large portion of the population doesn't see a problem with it, and is actually cheering it on.

For the last 70 years, we have been told that it's more important to be safe than it is to be free and independent, and many people believe that.
They would rather live their lives in relative ease and comfort, than to know that tomorrow's existance depends totally upon them.

This dumbing down of the population is not happenchance, it's intentional. Governments and corporatists hate nothing more than free thinking people, who have no need for their intervention.

So, I really have no need to worry about whether the sun is going to send a flare out 300 million miles, and cause the temperature of the earth to rise 1/10 of 1 degree. There's nothing I can do about it.

Thank God, we live in a country, which has the ability to stem the tide of overbearing government.​
Global Warming! There is no such thing. All that is, is the government bluff trying to get more taxes from the people. A scare tactic.

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