How many of you really think it is possible??

Some people can make lemonade out of lemons. I don't have the resources to back up the number, but I've heard rumors that there are about 4,000,000 Chinese laborers in Angola, building Angola's infrastructure now that the civil war is over, with China getting oil in return. I've personaly seen some of those labor camps, not up close but driven by. I assumed they were probably prisoners but from the JOE they could be military. Or they could be regular hired laborers.

Angola has a total population of 12 to 14 million Angolans, depending in which sources you believe, and a large country with a lot of natural resources. How many of the 4,000,000 do you think may find a permanent home in Africa? How would that change things? Oh, implications within implications.
One of the side effects of the unbalanced ratios in China has been that it is becoming less xenophobic. Young men in search of wives are willing to look outside of the country for them. A race that wants no interbreeding is facing the real social implications of a large number of their young men brining in foreign wives. The funny thing about foreign wives is that they tend to make their husbands more open to their countries, and then their children etc...

This could be an upside.

A downside is that China as a communist country, is able to force people to go where they want them to. And they are sending huge numbers of people and resources out into the world to secure those resources they want - like oil and water. I am not demonizing China, just facing the facts of their rise. They still face enormous internal problems and a very high likelihood of unrest themselves in the next decade, but their unrest is likely to look like woodstock lite. The people don't want to overthrow their government , they just want more freedoms. They are likely to get them - slowly.
That's one of the interesting things about that report. All the implications of everything that happens. Did you look at the population pyramids and the way they are broken down? Do you think China will reverse it's one child policy because there will be so many old people that can't really work compared to young able bodied people?

Did you notice how many times perception of America was brought up. How important it is how we are perceived by other nations. How world perception is more important than military strength and actually increases our strength.
Gore has been preaching this stuff, for the last 15 years. He was the lynchpin, behind the whole global warming, carbon credit scam, just hoping that the govt. would force his money grabbing scheme through, with legislation, which would force each and every one of us to give him some.

He was claiming that the poles were going to melt and NYC would be under water. Guess what. There are only two major land masses under ice..Greenland and Antartica.

The whole North Pole could melt tomorrow and the water wouldn't rise one inch. BTW, there's your source of fresh water, if you want to get it.

As for your report from the Chiefs of Staff, I'm not going to read it....I spend most of my spare time, perusing the news sources....We have an immediate threat, within our own country, right now, which is trying to subvert the very foundation upon which the country was established. Sadly, a large portion of the population doesn't see a problem with it, and is actually cheering it on.

For the last 70 years, we have been told that it's more important to be safe than it is to be free and independent, and many people believe that.
They would rather live their lives in relative ease and comfort, than to know that tomorrow's existance depends totally upon them.

This dumbing down of the population is not happenchance, it's intentional. Governments and corporatists hate nothing more than free thinking people, who have no need for their intervention.

So, I really have no need to worry about whether the sun is going to send a flare out 300 million miles, and cause the temperature of the earth to rise 1/10 of 1 degree. There's nothing I can do about it.

Thank God, we live in a country, which has the ability to stem the tide of overbearing government.

Yep. Dumbing down, you said it not me. Watch the news. Where do you think the dumbing down comes from. The poles are melting. I know it's not happening overnight like your brainwashing sources claim Al Gore said. It is happening though. I doubt we'll see NYC under water for quite some time. I wasn't aware that Al Gore was having all the money from carbon credits that don't exist sent to him. Lucky guy there.

No we don't live in a country with the ability to stem the tide of overbearing government. The corporations have done such a good job of dumbing down the masses, that our system is inoperative. The people stay glued to the tube listening to preachers talk about government. Preachers who's God is big money and have not a care ion the world about you. Someone actually said that global warming isn't happening. As low on the intellect scale as George Bush was he even admitted that global warming was happening. Ask the polar bears swimming around looking for ice floes to rest on. The Northern passage used to be closed to ship traffic year round. Now it's a regular shipping lane. They don't even need ice breakers. They are actually fighting up there over who gets to use the waters. In Antartica the Australians had a runway built on ice for landing heavy transport aircraft. The ice has started melting and is now too slushy to use for a landing strip.

You are right about one thing. There's nothing we can do. There is no pill to make people smarter. We have TV to make people dumber though and at least one billionaire is using it to full advantage.

And Greenland used to be green. As I said, the only two chunks of ice, which could possibly affect the levels of the ocean, are Greenland and Antartica. Seriously, what do you care what happens 400 years from now?
This is funny. I remember in Earth Science hearing about how the sun, one day, would go out, and the Earth would be dead, within a day. A fear and panic rose up in me, which took a while to dissipate.
Sadly, you're 50 something or older. I was only 14.

As for the Antartic runway, don't worry. Come June, it'll be frozen hard as a rock. Happens every year, about that time.
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I worry a great deal about what will happen in the next two hundred years. 400 hundred is a little harder to extrapolate out, but I am concerned about what we do here. I have children, and I assume they will probably have children.

People who rail against the national debt as being what we will pass on to our children should be equally concerned about what resources we leave them as well. Even the Saudis are concerned that if we pull all of the oil out of the ground as quickly as we wish we will leave nothing for our grandchildren. If we mess up the planet we will effect the world our children and grandchildren live in and I suspect they will look back at this time in wonder and disgust.
When was Greenland green?
From all the history I've had access to, Greenland was named that way as a trick steering people away from Iceland. Greenland was actually covered in ice and Iceland was quite green and lush, so misnaming them allowed the people that found them to keep the good land for themselves and directed others to the icy wasteland. As far as history goes, the Vikings were the ones to name the island countries and they had all the reason in the world to want to deceive other sailors.

The downfall of a nation shouldn't be a surprise, no one nation can remain at the top for all time. China could become the top superpower in the next 20 years, but they have a long way to go for that. They are still years behind our military, their population is already problematic, and their government could collapse under the weight of it's people. As the current top super power of the world the US has reason to worry, but focusing on other nations too much could kill our own.
Why should China be the enemy as a superpower? Wouldn't it be better to be an ally with China instead of stubbornly villainizing them?

Our country has issues that should be solved and could be solved with is aid of other countries. Fresh water, more productive food growing practices, better housing innovations, better energy innovations, better defenses against enemies. An ally with a million man army sounds much better than an enemy with a million man army.
When was Greenland green?
From all the history I've had access to, Greenland was named that way as a trick steering people away from Iceland. Greenland was actually covered in ice and Iceland was quite green and lush, so misnaming them allowed the people that found them to keep the good land for themselves and directed others to the icy wasteland. As far as history goes, the Vikings were the ones to name the island countries and they had all the reason in the world to want to deceive other sailors.

The downfall of a nation shouldn't be a surprise, no one nation can remain at the top for all time. China could become the top superpower in the next 20 years, but they have a long way to go for that. They are still years behind our military, their population is already problematic, and their government could collapse under the weight of it's people. As the current top super power of the world the US has reason to worry, but focusing on other nations too much could kill our own.
Why should China be the enemy as a superpower? Wouldn't it be better to be an ally with China instead of stubbornly villainizing them?

Our country has issues that should be solved and could be solved with is aid of other countries. Fresh water, more productive food growing practices, better housing innovations, better energy innovations, better defenses against enemies. An ally with a million man army sounds much better than an enemy with a million man army.

When was Greenland green?
From all the history I've had access to, Greenland was named that way as a trick steering people away from Iceland. Greenland was actually covered in ice and Iceland was quite green and lush, so misnaming them allowed the people that found them to keep the good land for themselves and directed others to the icy wasteland. As far as history goes, the Vikings were the ones to name the island countries and they had all the reason in the world to want to deceive other sailors.

At some time, in the distant past, before the first snowflake ever fell on Greenland, it was either green or just a barren rock...Obviously, It hasn't always been covered in ice 2-3 km. thick. Unless God just created it that way, and somehow, I doubt that you believe that.​

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