..How many of you SECRETLY.....

We have 3 dogs:
Katie -our big black lab- STOLE one of my kid's beanbag chairs and that is HER bed now.
Sam -our big yellow lab- sleeps on the floor with his head under the dust ruffle... I thin the nitelite bothers him.
Mister -a little rat terrier- we found him on the road a few weeks ago and sleeps in my bed under a plush blanket he has claimed. I will not let him under my blanket... he'll jus have to tough it out under his own
Henry (RIP) had three beds, one in the living room, one in our room and one on the porch. When he died I washed them all, and gave them to a dogie daycare.
OKAY--There IS a limit--I KNOW what my dogs walk through in the barnyard, and they are NOT allowed on my sheets!!!!!!!!!!!!

What?? Whats wrong with the dog and piggie on her bed??
I think its adorable!!!
They all look so cute sleeping together..
I have 6 dogs and 3 of them will get on the bed to sleep..Bogie my rat terrier sleeps under the cover next to me, Poncho a (VERY CUTE) mutt sleeps next to hubby on top of the covers and Dugie another mutt sleeps at our feet..Plus, if its cold 1 of my cats will sleep at my feet. Wouldn't have it any other way

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