How many Peahen eggs have you guys gotten so far???

The girls have layed a couple more but I am so ready for them to stop!!!!!
What breed is the peacock and peahen? I wander if different breeds of peafowl lay more eggs. You could send them to my place if you don't want them
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I'm new here and still not sure about etiquette in proper posting. Hope it is ok to chime in. I am absolutely hooked on reading the posts from you guys. When I saw the pictures, I thought it was my birds. I have a hen that looks exactly like her ...same for the boy. Last year, someone in my flock produced two pure white birds. They look to be a cock and hen. Not from the same hatch, I incubate and don't know who lays what as I have several that look exactly alike.

Mine too started laying April 29th and someone is still laying --- on top of the pea house. My young males are in with the hens and ate so many eggs before I could get to them. As of yesterday, I have hatched out 25. I had one die when I separated the oldest out to another box. The other group was relocated to a large run inside my barn in a stall on pine shavings. I have not moved the oldest ones since that one died. They aren't sick. I do plan to worm them for 3 days starting Monday with Safeguard.

Is there a good place to read about colors or genetics on this forum. I have looked around, but there is so much info I haven't covered half of it. Thanks Judy. NE MS
Mine are still laying.
MOF, as soon as the cock begins to lose his train it is like the hen decides she better get going with the last of the eggs and she will lay one every other day for about 10 days to 2 weeks. Both of my pens with trainless boys did that.
I am waiting to see if the others do, except for my 2 hens I let set on eggs.

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