How many roost per chicken


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 7, 2008
I am in the middle of building a coop.The coop is 4X4 the run is 6X4.I plan on getting 3-4 chickens.The plans i have for the coop only have 2 roost spots.It is a box that comes off the one side. Should I have one roost per chicken or is 2 enough ?
I believe a standard size chicken should have about 12 inches of space to roost comfortably. If your roost is 24 inches long, then 2 chickens can sit on it, 48 inches would hold 4 chickens. Does that help?

That helps as far as size for the roost but I guess what I need to know is if I have 4 chickens do I need 4 roosts or will they share??
Yup, they will share and Mahonri is right on in saying if you give 2 roosts and 1 is higher, they will all fight to get on that high one. That may mean, knocking others off to get the best spot.

Thank you so much that is what I needed to know Amazing how this backyard chickens works this is a great site I would have never thought so many people would be crazy about chickens

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