How many roosters needed for 25 hens?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 9, 2011
Anything wrong with keeping one rooster with 25 hens? Anything wrong with keeping 2 roosters with 25 hens (all will be together in one house and coop). My thought is that I will order 2 roosters, but only keep the one I like better. I just want everyone to be happy

I have 1 roo with 15 hens, every egg that I crack to eat has been fertile, so i would think that 2 would be fine for 25 hens.
My eggs are all fertile and I have one roo with 26 hens. I believe they do get less fertile as they get older.
I don't know that it is too important to me that the eggs are fertilized, I just want all the birds to be happy. And I think roosters are pretty, so I'd like to have a few if it isn't going to cause distress.
It sounds like you are talking about ordering from a hatchery. If that's the case, I wouldn't order any roosters. You will almost certainly get some anyway. Sexing isn't accurate to assume all 25 will be females; more likely they will not. In addition, if they send a "free chick" or two, it will almost certainly be a roo. If you order two, you will probably wind up with too many roos for the number of hens.
Yeppers, I'm ordering from a hatchery. Just getting ready to make the order, too, so I'm glad I got on here and read your advice, first. I waas going to order 3 roosters! So I won't order any and will just wait and see what I get

Thank you, all ~

2 is a good number for a flock of 25. I had a problem with my hens being picked off during the day by hawks. My roo would be doing.. well, what roos do best.. crowing, preening, yammering about something tasty and basically, not watching the skies.. with 2 roos,, one always seems to be looking and one squawk.. everybody runs.. no problems.. There is the occasional cockfight, but it's usually short lived and my Alpha hen usually steps in..

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