how many?

baby chick chick

In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 8, 2009
smithfield va
well i am building my chicken coop and hope to have it finished by next is 8 foot long,3 foot wide,and 3 foot tall(give or take a few inches). the coop section is 3x3x3 and the run is 5x3x3. it will have one nest box. what is the maximum number of BANTAM HENS it will hold? thanks!
You might get away with three, but two would be safer. Rule of thumb for LF is 4 square feet of coop space and ten square feet of run. It can vary a bit from bird to bird, but it's easier to fudge with higher numbers--you can more easily get away with 11 or even 12 birds instead of 10 in a 100 square foot run then adding an extra to a smaller run.
Going by the rule of thumb you have 9 square feet in your coop = two birds + a little extra space and 15 square feet of run which is pushing it for two and probably not enough room for three.

Bantam breeds only need about half as much space so that may be a better way for you to go.

Edit ' cause it seems I'm too sleepy to read well.
Three bantams should fit well, it would be a bit tight for four, but you have enough coop space for the extra if you could expand the run a little bit.

Enjoy the new fuzzy butts! What breeds are you planning to get? I have all LF, but think I might have to give in soon and get a few silkies.
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I agree with the other two posters. If you expanded your run, technically you could do okay with 4. But more room is always better, so three would great! Is your nest box exterior or interior? If it's taking up space inside the housing area, I'd for sure stick with only 3.
well i am going to let them free range almost every day when i am out there monitering them. and if i had to i would add another nest box.(the nest box(es)are in the coop) oh and btw i am geting three silkies, and i wanted to know how many if could have because i would like to let one of them hatch some eggs mabeye.
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One nest box is plenty for 3 chickens. I was asking whether the nest box took up floor space, because nest boxe space should not be figured into the equation of liveable/usable interior space. If you did end up raising chicks, you would need another little coop. The coop you're describing should be great for 3 silkies!

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