How much are you paying for layer pellets?

Lone Star 17% pellets is going for $9.85/50# sack here in west central La. I think that TSC has Layena around here for a little less/ sack but they are also only 16% protien. I like the Lone Star brand and have used them for years the hens eat them pretty good and produce well off of them. We have a local brand here that I tried its only 16% and not mixed very well (not formula wise but as combined sloppy with chunks of molasses and I presume the vita./mineral substance is clumpy) and my hens didn't like to eat it so production sucked. So no more Arrow brand by O'neals in DeRidder not worth it in my book.

We bought four 50lb bags of 15% layer pellets from Southern States Co-op here in Statesville today for $7.59 a bag. It's locally milled just down the road from where we live here in Iredell County. It says that there are no animal byproducts in the mix. We've been using this brand since the beginning and our hens are happy. We get 17-19 big brown ones from our 19 Gold Comets on a daily basis without fail. I doubt it can be labelled organic because the corn is probably standard high production genetically modified stock and there are additives like calcium and other things, but I can live with that. I think...
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Rural Northern California, about $25 for 50# organic layer pellets. In my very remote location the feed store sells it for almost $30, so I buy it when I go to town. 50#of organic scratch is about the same.
Approx. $13 per 50# Layena crumble. But who really knows - being as I always buy a whole bunch of other stuff when I go to the feed store. Hmmm... interesting thought - purchasing in bulk for a discount... might have to consult with my neighbors on that!!
Do y'all grow any grain out there or is it all trucked in from the midwest?

We're buying 17% organic layer mash at $398 a ton, delivered, but we have organic crops all around us and the organic feed mill is only 25 miles away.
Let's see....we usually go to the Everett Co-op or to the Bothell Feed Store. Prices are about same..not too different really.

#50 of game bird 20% crumbles <for their winter treats> and it was about $18.00.
#50 layer pellets for about $14.00 (Purina Sunfresh non organic)
#25 BOSS for about 15.00
2 poultry flock blocks <for emergency winter lock up> @13.00 each. (Yes I know I can make my own and will start doing that...atm it was not feasable)
2 bales of white shavings are about $8.00 each
We get 1 bag of oystershell...lasts forever so we just get when needed
We get 1 lg bag of grit....lasts forever so we just get when needed

The pellets last about a month or so. Its all free feed, we have a 12 lb feeder that they use. I refill totally about 1x a week...but add to it as needed during the week. We also make sure that we have an extra bag on hand in the fall/winter/early case we get snowed in like last year. 2 1/2 feet of snow here last year.....we couldnt get out of the house!!! We never had it so much since we moved here 10 years ago.

In the winter, I give the higher protien game bird crumbles as treats, and use for hot breakfast for them. They last about 4-8 weeks, depending on the appetites of the girls. I wanted to make sure they have extra protein in the winter, so I suppliment the feed with the crumbles. This is mostly used during the winter/early spring when it is so cold here, so that is only time we get it. If they are molting we get a small bag as treats.

The BOSS lasts a bit of time, a good few weeks at least, so like 4-8 weeks. Its mixed in with the feed and given as treats in the bedding to promote turning it...not a lot tho.

The flock blocks I get cos here in the PNW it gets rainy in the late fall/winter and thru till spring. And icy. And snowy....generally nasty at times where we are, so we know they will be coopbound for at least a few days to a week or two. ATM its easiest for us to buy it but we are planning next year to make our own.

The shavings we get every other month. We take some of the old bedding out and place it on the dropping board. When we clean off the board, we add to the floor bedding, and add more of the old bedding to the dropping board so its constantly being cleaned and rotated.

So really, the only thing we buy on a regular basis are the layer pellets (monthly) and the BOSS and bales of the white shavings (bimonthly). The girls get treats of veggies and leftovers... I save my greens, veggies and meat scraps for them, as well as bread heels etc. So they have a very well rounded diet. And of course if they can get in the run, they have bugs and such there.
There is a feed store in Fairbanks? where is it? i go there once in a while. i would rather pack light and fly it down in baggage than pay shipping costs to Dillingham
the weight limit IS 50lbs right?

i would do anything to pay less, trust me!

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