How much bigger will Ancona Ducks get?

Derputy Dawg

Jul 16, 2020
They're at 8 weeks now and mostly feathered out. Not easy to weigh them, anyone have a suggestion?

3 of them are male, so two will have to go. I still haven't decided if I should give them to a local duck farmer or harvest them. (Rehoming seems like I'm just giving my problem to someone else, and I'll have to do it on my next hatch.) If pekin ducks are ready for market by this age they must get pretty huge.
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According to Storey's Guide they're at 70-90% body weight but won't put the rest on quickly. I guess I could have looked it up.
(Rehoming seems like I'm just giving my problem to someone else, and I'll have to do it on my next hatch.)
drakes make great pets! you could rehome the drakes together to a home with girls (6+ to avoid overmating), no other ducks (they’ll have each other for company), or with a bachelor/all male flock (they won’t fight if they have no girls)

i had all drakes for a long time and they were best friends and loved each other, the problems only started once i added two girls to my flock
drakes make great pets! you could rehome the drakes together to a home with girls (6+ to avoid overmating), no other ducks (they’ll have each other for company), or with a bachelor/all male flock (they won’t fight if they have no girls)

i had all drakes for a long time and they were best friends and loved each other, the problems only started once i added two girls to my flock

I found a farmer here who will take the ducks. Checking Craigslist there are tons of ads for people who want unwanted farm animals. Not sure what they want them FOR...

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