How much DE do I use on Deep Litter?

Thanks for the colander idea, Micki!

MoALK - "DE" is an acronym for Diatomecious Earth. It's a natural substance ground into a powder that you put down which acts in your litter as a preventative and killer of fleas and mites. Look in the learning center for a discussion of the "Deep Litter" method, and that will lead you to more info. Sorry, I'm just learning how to include links, otherwise I would link you to more info directly.
My chicks are 3 1/2 weeks old now, and I've been putting a few teaspoons of DE in about a gallon-size feeder along with the medicated crumbles. Does anybody know if I still need to "worm" the chicks or will this prevent them in the first place?

In my 4' X 8' coop, I used just over one big bag of the shavings to get a depth of about 3 to 4 inches, and I used about 3 sifters full of DE in with the shavings. I use a sifter, but I just bang on the side of it with one hand, and that's a lot easier than using the spring-loaded squeeze handle.
Use whatever you have -- I was scared to use my hands because of all the posts about how DRYING the DE was to skin . . . but I just LOVE the way it feels (almost like talcum powder) and have my hands in it all the time! If I rinse and dry my hands within a few minutes afterwards, I don't get dry hands. It's certainly not as bad as many cleaners I have used, or even wash water with laundry detergent in it. Fling away!
I use a colander too, I think it works best.
I sprinkle it everywhere!!!
A layer under new shavings and well as sprinkle it on the food and all over and around the coop and pen. I also give it to my goats and sift it into the litter in their coop too.

As well as control fleas and mites, it EXCELLENT at controlling the flies.
Check out the Food Grade DE page I've put together. The Wolf Creek Ranch website explains exactly what Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is.


I have just recently started using food grade DE in the indoor brooder.

After I'm done cleaning the brooder, and it's dry, I sprinlke a thin layer directly on the brooder floor and then add the pine shavings in on top of the DE. Skip and I have both noticed that it's helping to keep the brooder from smelling "chickeny" since it's drying out the pooh.

When I first started using it last year, our chicks were around 8 - 10 weeks old (if I remember, correctly). Since I've just started using it from Day 1, I've not noticed it causing any problems with the new chicks.

Hope this helps!

I use an old baby powder bottle to sprinkle my DE in the coop and the brooder. This way it goes where you want it to go. You can use a funnel to get the DE in the bottle but I just use the lid and scrape it in.

Does anyone use a dust mask when working with DE?

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