How much Feather loss is normal?


Apr 4, 2017
Oregon, USA
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Hi all! These are my first hens, I have six and am noticing they seem to be losing quite a few feathers. You wouldn't know to look at them, they are Just over thirteen weeks old and their feathers look amazing and so soft! They seem really healthy, I'm feeding them an organic complete layer feed with probiotics. They have also have plenty of space and free range much of the day. My worry is that there seem to be quite a few feathers everywhere! Some are the fluffy downy variety but others are full feathers. Am wondering if this is pecking order related? Is any feather loss other than molting normal?
They are probably going thru their last juvenile molt.
If you examine them closely you can probably see new pin feathers emerging.
Be gentle, those 'pin feathers' are sensitive and can be 'uncomfortable' for the bird to have them touched. They also can break and bleed copiously, they are also called 'blood feathers'.
Its Normal to find feathers around the coop and run, or wherever they hang out.
Whew! Thanks for the quick reply!
They are probably going thru their last juvenile molt.
If you examine them closely you can probably see new pin feathers emerging.
Be gentle, those 'pin feathers' are sensitive and can be 'uncomfortable' for the bird to have them touched. They also can break and bleed copiously, they are also called 'blood feathers'.
Thanks, I looked at them this morning and they do have those pin feathers especially on their heads. I knew those were new feathers but did not know they were sensitive, that explains why they have all been less cuddly recently! Thanks for the info.
Remember, healthy looks healthy, and those look beautiful! If birds are out scratching around, active and alert, eating and drinking, then 10-1 they are fine. Sick or injured birds look lethargic, move very little, and stay by themselves.

Enjoy that pretty flock!

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