How much feed?


8 Years
Jul 27, 2011
How many birds do you have?
What type of birds do you have?
How much do they consume in feed a month?
Free range, pen raised or mix?
How many birds do you have? I have 12 birds in all not including my ducks and geese
What type of birds do you have? I have a Japanese bantam roo (Lil big man), a Silver Sebright hen (Lil bit), two EE hens (Ms. USA and Big Blue), two Dominique hens (The domino sisters), a Barred Rock hen (Ms. Houdini). Then I also have a flock of Silkies separate: a black cockerel (Blinky), a blue pullet (Sue), a partridge pullet (Ms. Pac-man), and two blue partridge cockerels (Inky and Pinky)
How much do they consume in feed a month? Um well not including my ducks and geese I would say about two 50 pound feed bags a mouth
Free range, pen raised or mix? Mix, my mixed flock of 7 chickens has an 8x4 hen house connected to a 20x10 covered dirt run with a door that opens up into a 64x64 uncovered grass run, but when I am home and outside I let them all free range until dark. But my flock of 5 Silkies are not kept with my mixed flock; they are in a 7x3 chicken tractor in the 64x64 uncovered grass run, I move the tractor around each day so they can get fresh grass and I also let them out into the 64x64 uncovered grass run when my mixed flock is shut up in their20x10 covered dirt run until dark.
3 birds
Mathmatically about 27 pounds per month but the dogs sneak in and eat some from their feed cups and they toss a lot on the ground. They do get a lot of treats, scraps, bugs, and sometimes eggs
Mix - Kept in run and in pasture pen mostly--- they have a morning bug patrol while I clean coop and change water.
Was 18-eggs per week, dropped to averaging 16 in this heat.
Holy cow! 18 eggs a week out of 3 birds! Geeze! I wonder how many I can expect out of 9 BPR's??!!
Holy cow! 18 eggs a week out of 3 birds! Geeze! I wonder how many I can expect out of 9 BPR's??!!

My star performer is the Golden Comet---she was definitely laying 7-per week. so between the BPRs they only had to come up with 11, and they were doing 5 and 6 to make the 'tally'. My BPRs I have found out are 'hatchery' birds, they lack the bright yellow legs and beaks and have more of an ivory colored beak and legs---- but they do lay I'd rather have it this way---they miss out on the 'standards of perfection' but they give eggs. I bet with your BPRs too you will get 5-6 a week per bird when they are in their prime.
According to the data provided so far...the average food consumption by each layer is 8.5 lbs of feed per month.
16 Chickens. 15 hens, one rooster
7 Partridge Plymoth Rocks (1 is a roo), 5 Dominiques, and 4 rose comb brown leghorns
About a bag and a half (50 lb bags) a month. They weren't as hungry over the summer, I just switched to layer feed.
I keep them locked up (in the run but out of the coop) until around noon, when someone lets them out to free range. I live in the woods, and they love pecking and scratching around in the pine needles and oak leaves. Mucho bugs and clover! But also hawks, eagles, owls, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, etc. So they only free range when someone's home.

They aren't laying yet. This saturday is their 18 week birthday, so I hope they start soon.

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