How much $$$ for these Silkie chicks?

It depends on your area and how saturated it is with Silkies. I can sell mine about that age for $20+.

BTW, I rarely bring mine to the local swaps/flea markets as I feel I don't get the price I want out there and it's too much work. But if I post on Craigslist with photos I typically get calls. Especially if you explain how docile Silkies are and they make great pets. I can never keep any to adult age (unless they are roos) because they sell so quickly.
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Do you say that because of their stance? I think they are both pullets, but I agree that the neck-craned-up alert stance looks rooish.

I'm not in the Silkie business, so anything I get will be a bonus that helps offset my feed bill. Yesterday I spent $67 at Tractor Supply.
I have them strictly for my pleasure, but I don't want to sell myself short either. Heck, I have given chickens and ducks away free to BYC members. In fact, if anyone is close to Asheboro, NC, and would like a pair gratis, let me know.
The one in the first photo left and second photo right should be the same bird, I would personally hold onto if the comb and feet pass the test. Let the other go.
If you have Bobbi Porto stock, they are definitely worth more than $15. She sells her 6 month olds for about $50 (more if they are on the higher grade of show quality).  That pedigree alone puts them in the $25 each category, and that's a bargain.  You just have to educate your potential buyers that they are getting babies from someone who has Champion, award winning stock and these are going to be excellent breeders if not show quality when they get a little older.  Believe me, Bobbi doesn't keep ANYTHING in her breeding pens that isn't a show quality potential or a past award winner.

Also, we need to not sell our pure breeds too cheaply.  Very few people make enough money selling their chicks to pay their feed bill anyway.  I feel that those who breed/hatch/raise good healthy babies deserve to be able to sell them for a reasonable figure that will compensate them for their cost of raising them.  Breeders of other animals have set the pricing standards high enough to recoup their expenses and because most of them hold their prices up, everyone expects to pay more for a pure bred animal.  If we silkie enthusiasts set our standard starting prices a little higher,  then that's what people will pay for them.  They are a unique breed, in demand, and if anyone has watched what some breeders got on "Eggbid"  for their silkies (Some went for $400+) I think we can reasonably set the baseline price for silkies at $25 and go up from there based on quality. 

I would love to hear what other Silkie breeders think about this.
I agree with you I am just starting to breed and sell silkies and am learning as I go and learning from people off here and also have a friend that has breezed for 20+ Yeats that's showing me the dos and don'ts about my silkies... they are rare around here where I live I live in Georgia USA and it took me over a year to finally find my hen and I got lucky with that I bought my rooster for $20 and My Hen for $25 the hen came from a line of show Birds so I got kinda lucky I am now trying to find black silkies but will only buy a pair because don't want to have the same problem as before not being able to find one or the other..Any suggestions on where I could find black silkie pair would be appreciated I checked into a couple people that ship chicks on here but you have to buy at least 10 and I do not need 10 I just need the pair..
I GOT my silkie babys for 2$ a chick i got 6 of them all are silkies :D i say that is a cheap price for silkie chicks there is a problem with one but the owner of the chicks replaced it with another for free yay!!!! :D

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