How much handling is too much?


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
My six chicks are now five days old (hatched on my birthday!). I want them to grow into friendly chickens and I know the best way is to handle them, give them age appropriate treats, etc, BUT I'm worried about handling them too much! I'm afraid of them getting cold or over-stressed. Any pointers on determining how much is too much? Thanks!
At our house there is no such thing as too much

However, I do make DD put them down when they start falling asleep in the midst of a play-time.
I think at 5 days old you can handle them as much as you want. I think the more you handle them, the less stressed they'll be when you handle them...does that make sense? As for them getting chilled...if you hold them close to you, then your body heat will help them stay warm (in your hands, on your chest, etc). If they're cold, they'll peep very loudly and you can put them back under the heat lamp.

Good luck!
I have 25 chicks and can't pay enough attention to each one individually so I bring them inside in groups! They really love being held in both hands cupped like an egg and held close. They settle in and close their eyes. So sweet.
As long as you're gentle, I think is handling is really good for the chicks. You can go to my BYC page to see how I tame chicks.

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