how much medicated water to give 2 little hens? confused.....


Jan 3, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
I've got 2 new little girls (8-9 wks and 12 weeks). The lady at the chook farm said that the Department of Agriculture recommends preventative dosing for coccidiosis any time livestock is transported and I've got a sachet of Amprolium 200 soluble powder (amprolium 200g/kg) to give the girls.....

The dosage is on the label but how much (or rather how little) should I mix up for 2 tiny little chooks by themselves? It says that a fresh solution should be prepared daily (given for 14 hours every 4th day for prevention), so I don't want to have to dispose of huge amounts of medicated solution (eg the 25 litres referred to on the label).

At 30g/25 litres, that works out at just under a gram per litre (I think, maths isn't my strong suit). If I mixed them up a litre, would that be enough for 24 hours? And I have to take their normal waterer out, yes?

Any advice from the experienced gratefully received, thanks.
Yes, I got them medicated starter feed as well.

I searched up that thread before, but then my eyes started rolling around in my head even worse.
I would probably mix a liter at a time, but check on them to make sure that they are not running low on water. If they are drinking more than that, especially if there is hot weather, they may require 2 liters a day. I would probably mix extra and have on hand. It can be used in their regular waterer. I would also use your instructions on your label, since you are in a different country, and the amprollium is a different strength than the one we use in the US.
If they are drinking more than that,
Thanks. They seem to have drunk very little..... It's hard to tell because they've spilled some out of the bowl inside, but they certainly haven't emptied either their bowl or their waterer. Luckily it's been nice and cool since I brought them home, they haven't had to contend with high heat (yet)
The main reason I ask if the chick starter is medicated is, you need to read the tag that is on the side of the bag.
I know you are not in the US, but the medicated starter that I used when mine was little was by Purina. It specifically stated on the ingredients list NOT to give additional amprolium (corid). It would cancel each other out.

I pulled this from the Purina site, you may want to look for this type of wording on your bag or check their product specifics online to be sure. (Blue words are highlighted by me).

""Purina Start & Grow
AMP .0125
Use as the sole source of amprolium. Do not change the litter while giving this feed unless absolutely necessary. If losses exceed 0.5% in a two (2) day period, obtain an accurate diagnosis, and follow the instructions of your veterinarian or poultry pathologist. Losses may result from intercurrent disease or other conditions under field conditions. In replacement flocks, the grower must expect that excessive exposure to one or more species may overwhelm the drug in some flocks and prompt treatment will be required.Do not use in feeds containing bentonite."""

I'm not saying to not dose your chicks with corid (ampro), you would just want to decide which one to use, feed or water.
There's no indication as to concentration included in the feed, it's just labelled from the farm and says "with cocci medication". She sold me both, so presumably they can have both at the same time.
There's no indication as to concentration included in the feed, it's just labelled from the farm and says "with cocci medication". She sold me both, so presumably they can have both at the same time.

Ok. Well that was why I was asking. The labeling/dosages are different here in the US. I noticed that not all US medicated feed that labeling, it is sort of hidden on the paper tag that is attached to the feed bag.
With mine, I read it that it would be a "double dosage", so if she is a breeder, then I would go with what she said.
Good luck with your chicks. Post pics if you can, would love to see your babies.
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There's no indication as to concentration included in the feed, it's just labelled from the farm and says "with cocci medication". She sold me both, so presumably they can have both at the same time.
With amprollium medicated feeds, the concentration is so low that it is not necessary to change the feed while treating with ampollium in the water. In fact, since they are not drinking a great deal, it may help.

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