How much room do they need?


My Patronus is a Chicken
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
Do meaties need as much coop space as layers? I have a temporary coop set up (about 4x6), that will soon be vacated and I was thinking of getting some meat birds to fill it up once before I dismantle it. So how many meat birds could I reasonably put in that space?
Hmm. Battery hens get what, .75 square feet per chicken? Surely you can do better than that! How about .5? So that's 48.
I would ignore Sandra's post if I were you...sarcasm really won't get anyone, anywhere...

A normal bird should get 3 sq. feet of room to itself. THAT being said, broilers are not normal and do not move around much. You can get away with 2.5 sq. feet/bird.

You have 24 sq. ft. total so 9.6 or 10 birds could theoretically go in there nicely.
OH. As an aside, I told someone we both know that I had three hundred thousand chickens and SHE BELIEVED ME. This degenerated into a bizarre conversation that had to be seen to be believed. Let's just say that brooder photos were not appreciated.
She generally ignores me
She knows me by now.

To quote my husband, who always makes me laugh, "Sarcasm is lost on toddlers." Not that she's a toddler. It just made me think of it... it's late, sue me!
Sandra! Are you calling me a toddler?! I am soooo offended!

I want to know who you told you had 300,000, lol. By the way, shanah tovah!

Well, 10 seems a reasonable number to me. If they have a run area, does it need to be one separate from my layers? I know meaties are far more stinky than layers and I don't want their run to forever reek of meat birds.
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