how much should i be feeding my ducks?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
i have 2 ducks and i use to feed them 2 times a day...morning and night...but..then they stopped eating in the morning..cause they are out in the yard..(we open up the pen..and they never go back in the pen to eat during the thier own choice) i'm assuming they are eating (whatever it is they eat) in the yard all day long... and are okay with that..
...and at night we feed t hem about 2 cups of thier is usually all gone in the morning..but when we were feeding would just go to waste during the day time they wernt finishing it they getting enough to eat?...only 2 cups a day total...for 2 ducks?....maybe they are eating alot of bugs and whatever during the day?...and also...i do throw them a few veggie scraps (not much though) it enough for them?...Wendy
I'd put out 3 and see if they clean that up, if so, try 4 and so on till you see there is a small amount left in the am. Don't want hungry ducks!
okay thanks...we were giving more than the 2 cups..but there was quite a bit wasted...i'll try 3...and see what they do...because i keep feeling that 2 cups just isnt enough....and also..i'm assuming in the winter time..i'm going to have to add more feed also...since they wont be able to be in the yard?.....which..brings me to another do people do with them in a new england winter?...the poor things will be so cooped up!!....can they be outside of thier hutch? the snow and etc.?...thier hutch is only 3 foot 6 long...and right now..all they use it for is sleeping...and free range the rest fo the'm going to feel very bad come winter time..if they have to be cooped up all day long!
....what do people do?...thanks alot, Wendy

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