How much should they eat?


Aug 21, 2018
Hello all! I am new to chickens (3 weeks in), and I’m wondering if my girls are eating as much as they should. I have 6 chickens (mixed breeds) and they eat under 2 pounds of feed per week total. They do get treats from the garden, and about a handful of scratch each morning as they exit the coop and enter their run (9 meter run connected to Eglu Cube). They are also let out most evenings for at least an hour for additional foraging. Does this sound like they are eating enough? If not, what can be done to stimulate their eating? Thanks!
I have never measured or kept track of the amount my flock eats. I have 4 feeders and I refill them as needed.
You could always try fermenting their feed. Measure the amount of dry feed desired (I would start off with 1/4 C per bird) add water and maybe some Nutri-Drench and make a sloppy mash. My flock loves it! You will see that they prefer that to dry feed. Just be sure you make only enough for a day’s feeding to prevent mold from growing. It’s more work, but if you make it, they will gobble it up!!! Good luck!
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As long as there is food available to them, they are eating enough. They eat what they need, and expect for meat birds (like Cornish cross), they won't overeat. Remember to keep treats to a minimum, so that they get complete nutrition from their feed. By treats, I don't mean vegetable scraps. The food that they scavenge while free ranging is probably what is keeping the amount of feed they eat so low, and that isn't a problem. That's chickens being chickens, doing what is natural.

Mine don't free range often, only when I'm able to watch them because of predators. I have dry feed available at all times, and feed them FF every morning. They get vegetable scraps as often as I can give them, usually every day. A handful of scratch or BOSS a couple times a week.

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