How much snow are you expecting?

So here on the east coast we've got a big nor'easter on the way tonight. My flock is secure and have enough food if I can't dig them out right away. I'm mostly concerned about losing power, but we do have a generator.

We may get 18".
Wow! 18 inches?! Last week, we got 4, the most we had in years. Tomorrow, we’re expecting a cm or 2.
Maybe an inch. And Lord have mercy! People are in a panic. Buying all the bread and milk like there is no tomorrow. Topping off their gas tanks like the pipeline will freeze and bust. Me? I made sure I had canned soup and lots of books to read. The Prius has a full tank and the Generac is online a in ready mode if needed. And if it does actually snow I may take Rubi out for a spin as that old retired rock crawler needs to get dirt now and again.
Everyone, go buy gallons of milk! - Dairy farmer here. :gig
If you think you can't use it all, make some potato or oyster soup. Bread pudding takes quite a bit of milk too.
Anyway, I will say a prayer for you and your animals to all to be safe and sound. 💙

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