how much space needed??


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Hagerstown, MD
we r getting a trio of cayuga ducks next weekend. how much square feet do i need for them at night? we r going to purchase some type of housing for them for night. during the day they will b hanging out with the chickens in the run with their swimming pools and stuff. at night, we decided to give them their own housing and it's going to b in the run. any opinions? new to chickens and newer to ducks!
Per Storey's guide:
if they are housed only at night 2.5 - 4 sq feet per duck. If they will be housed for long periods during bad weather etc then 6-8 sq feet per duck. The yard should be 10-25 sq feet per duck.

If you are literally going to have them with your chickens, unless you have a huge coop, I would not keep the pool in there. Ducks are SLOBS. They love the muck and most likely, your chickens won't. I have seperate housing for my chickens and my ducks. They share a feeder and waterers when in the yard. The chickens go into the duck run and actually help immensly with the duck poop. I have dirt floors and the chickens go in and scratch around they also help clean up any food the ducks have dropped.

Good luck.

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