How much time in the nest box?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 25, 2008
My girls have been laying since early Sept. and spend what I think is a LONG time in the nest box. I only have two hens, but it's like I need 2 nest boxes for them. They sit in there for hours. How much time does a hen generally spend in the nest box? Sometimes I have one in there for 2 hours and the other needs to "go" and stands out in front of the box and squawks at her. Is this normal? Do you make a second nest box?
My hens spend about an hour ,sometimes an hour and a half in the nest box. My hens seem to favor one of the nests and will stand out in front of it and squawk at the hen in it.A second nest box may work for you,but you won't know until you try it.
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Mine spend all day in the box and the next day and the next.... I have more than 8 broody now..
Most of mine spend a long time, but I watched one who was waiting and pacing in front of the three occupied low nest boxes climb in on top of another hen, lay her egg immediatly, and get back out. She didn't want to hop up to the upper level, where there were three empty nest boxes.

Since then I have moved the top row to another place, so all the nest boxes are low now. They can take as much time as they want.

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