How much to feed my chickens?

OMG.....I have 85 layers and 15 guineas and My husband and I grind our own feed according to the appropriate protein ratio. We grind 1000 a month.....I think I am feeding my chickens too much!!! I am doing the math now and cutting them all back.....I really think they waste a lot of feed too!
I have 6 laying hens. From what I can understand, they need at least 3/4 cup feed a day plus snacks and free range. I feed them 4.5 cups fermented layer feed in the morning and at night I give them either meal worms or BOSS. They free range through the back yard all day. I know they get greens, they ate my garden LOL. I keep oyster shell and grit available. They gobble up the feed in the morning, but I think that is just because they are pigs. Sometimes, like in winter, I give them maybe a cup extra layer feed a day, sometimes corn. I can't leave feed out around the coop, we have mice and rats that eat it, so I have to keep close track on what they eat. So far, so good.
I have 30 chickens not counting babies (because they eat starter ) and 5 Gineas (sp?) and I go through 100 lbs a month in layer pellets and about 100lbs in scratch (DW's fault everytime she goes out to see them she has to feed them scratch) but as I tell my friends and family and all of those who tell me how much they should eat but don't own any chickens themselves........ My girls are happy the eggs buys the feed so as long as I can buy the feed and scratch for them and they are happy don't woory about how much I feed them they eat free choice and they don't eat it all the time........
So as long as you feed them and they aren't costing you an arm and a leg feed them the way you do now but to truly know how much it is marked on the bags of feed being that you use nutrena layer pellets /mash.
What is scratch???
What is scratch???
Scratch grains, a mix of cracked corn, whole wheat, Milo and other grains or seeds, depending on brand or money spent. 20160818_181822.jpg Low protein, usually 8%. Unfortified, no added vitamins and minerals. A treat that gets tossed on the ground. Should be limited to 10% of feed. GC
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Ok, so it's really not needed, am I correct? We are still on Chick starter with a few treats and chick grit...I'm a newbie. Then I will advance to chick grower, I think
Ok, so it's really not needed, am I correct? We are still on Chick starter with a few treats and chick grit...I'm a newbie. Then I will advance to chick grower, I think
Correct. I feed as a treat, scattered around their old bedding that I change weekly and dump in their pen. 20170510_090828.jpg They enjoy scratching through it. I scatter a 1/3 of a cup twice a day for 5 hens, what they consume in 10 to 15 minutes. GC
Gavin I would not start your girls on laying feed until they start laying. Hey my dad live in Indian Trail NC.He is what you would call a Dam Yank. A yank is a northener that come to visit then go back north,A dam Yank is a northener that come to visit and stays. He loves it there. He said the people are so friendly you want to punch them.
I've never measured my chicken feed. With 10 hens, they go through a 50lb bag every 6 wks or so?

Chickens are VERY wasteful. They will pick through food and throw what they don't want on the ground. If you can control the waste, it will cut your feed bill way down. I use a tub feeder that holds 50 lbs of feed. I have 0 waste.

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