How much to feed?


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
New Jersey
Our 26 chickens are about 6 weeks old and growing fast. In fact, they have a tendency to empty their feeders shortly after we fill them. Should we keep food available in their feeders all the time or feed them a certain amount per day? I don't want them to get fat or be unhealthy but I also want to make sure all of them are getting enough food.

Are these meat birds (cornish X) or regular chicks? Typically regular chicks will only eat what they need. Definitely keep their feeders filled.

It looks like you have Buff Orpington chicks. You need to have feed available to them 24/7. They will NOT overeat or as you say get fat. But they should have feed and fresh water available at all times. It is surprising how much they eat! I know I was amazed at how much mine ate. They are little "piggies", but in a healthy way!

Enjoy your chicks!

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