How much value do you put on killed Laying Hen

i didnt mean to take him to court..... im just saying if you ask for to much they wont be willing to pay and that would be the only other option. and to you they might not be your kids, but when my kids go out and their 'pets' are torn up all over the yard, i think someone should pay. if it was your dog tearing into the neighbors house cat, you would be expected to pay for the cat and the vet . if you refused they would probably take you to court, to make you pay, whats the difference? that a cat is a pet, furry with four legs, and a chicken is just that a chicken? if it is resolved, thats great, but if you cant get it resolved, they think 10 dollars is to much, they take no effort into containing their dog, refuse to pay as you watch your flock dwindle down to nothing, then more drastic steps need to be taken. some people think they can but you a 3 dollar chick and call it even, not realising to replace your bird could be 10 + dollars........

i do wish you the best of luck, just giving you a heads up
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i think you should figure your feed cost to get that hen to laying start, what if you sold her eggs for for at least 3 years, your time spent in hatching, feeding watering and care of that chicken. so 25-35.00 does not seem adequate to me.
Davaroo, I agree - it's best if you can friends - heck get HIM started with chickens - then when his dog gets them he'll understand what it's like. Peace in a neighbor is priceless.
I agreed! My hens are priceless!!

Too bad you can't do that to the owner too!
Tonight I just bought two buff orpingtons and two EEs that are 10 months old and have just started laying for $10 each. Your area might be higher for laying need to check your local ads. I know you are probably attached to your chickens and feel they are priceless but if it was to go to court...every judge I know would not give you more than what it would cost to replace them (same age, breed and quality). So my advice is to try and get fair market value and not ask for over that otherwise you may end up in court and chances are they will only award you fair market value.

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