How much

Same research 7 dollars each for lavender orpington that's without including a minimum 15 chicks needed to purchase. Also with the lavender orpington with prices vary considerably for 7 - 20. So that is a considerable amount over 3-5 dollars. The lavender wyandotte are worth even more straight run can find it less than 60 dollars a chick anywhere. Thanks for the response though. As for selling right now im going to wait until they are feathered and can find out the sex and adjust the price accordingly.
3-5$ for anything lavender colored around my area might as well give them away. Did my own research lavender wyandotte are very rare coloration and worth a considerable amount more money. Thank you all for the responses
Things are only "worth" what someone is willing to PAY. IMO, the vast majority of chicken people just want some hens. They don't CARE what breed or color. They care about CHEAP. SO they get the barn yard mixes or cheap chicks from the feed store. So finding a market for something "rare" can be tough. I've seen a LOT of breeders that sell their more rare pullets for close to the same price as people sell their easter eggers and other mixes for just to get them GONE. Better to take less money than end up keeping them forever because you want more $ than buyers are willing to pay.
This is true to some aspectsbut that is your opinion. If they don't sell i will just eat them pretty simple.
Things are only "worth" what someone is willing to PAY. IMO, the vast majority of chicken people just want some hens. They don't CARE what breed or color. They care about CHEAP. SO they get the barn yard mixes or cheap chicks from the feed store. So finding a market for something "rare" can be tough. I've seen a LOT of breeders that sell their more rare pullets for close to the same price as people sell their easter eggers and other mixes for just to get them GONE. Better to take less money than end up keeping them forever because you want more $ than buyers are willing to pay.
That's fine you have an opinion but it is still opinion not a reality.
This is true to some aspectsbut that is your opinion. If they don't sell i will just eat them pretty simple.
That's fine you have an opinion but it is still opinion not a reality.
Things only being worth what someone is willing to pay is not an "opinion", it IS reality. I've been in the livestock industry for more than 40 years. Not my first rodeo. Good luck to you.
Well to further stir this pot...

I would not pay $60 for a chick unless it was a breeder of high repute. With a strong history of breeding that pot. I would want genetics proving that the color was not a fluke.

I too have been in the animal business for a long time. I agree, it is give and take between the buyer and the seller.

Mrs K

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