how often do ducks lay egg?

We now have 3 ducks. 2 girls 1 boy.
They mate almost daily & my husband thinks that we will have eggs soon. From what I've read, we won't have eggs til Spring. Mating is just that, mating.
Our kids (ducks) are Swedish/Peking/Runner/Smith (new breed) , they are free range during the day (in a fenced area) penned up at night.
Is there a possibility that they will lay, this late in the year ?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you all ......
Mine just started mating a couple months ago and laying this past month... And lay eggs every night... Don't some breeds lay year round.... This was the first to hatch so far.
Our pekin just started laying yesterday!!! We are super excited. We ended up with a drake and a rooster out of our 4 birds. It feels so good to get some eggs out of all the hard work!
I live in Montana and it is already getting pretty cold/dark. Does anyone have any experience with laying ducks in a similar climate? How long should I expect her to lay this winter?
I have 2 adult Rouens, and 3 rescued 7 mo old KC. I went to the Roen duck house, 2 eggs as usual. Went to the KC nest, there were 7 eggs! That would be 2 each plus 1 laying 3? Could it be they were rescued and had not laid at all? I know they are prolific layers, but with my chicken molt almost over, more duck eggs than chicken. Is this normal? Might better call my baking friends!
I have 2 adult Rouens, and 3 rescued 7 mo old KC. I went to the Roen duck house, 2 eggs as usual. Went to the KC nest, there were 7 eggs! That would be 2 each plus 1 laying 3? Could it be they were rescued and had not laid at all? I know they are prolific layers, but with my chicken molt almost over, more duck eggs than chicken. Is this normal? Might better call my baking friends!
Sounds to me like someone was hiding eggs.Which Mine are very good at since I use deep bedding.
Yes mine hide theirs also. Do you guys let yours roam or keep penned????
Mine have access to half acre fenced property during day light and locked up at night. They have access to any outside house if I have any late layers but usually most of mine have laid before I let them out at daybreak. [When they are laying] I have Muscovy's and they are seasonal layers. If i am home they can come outside of the fence. Way too many preds to let them out if I am not here.
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They laid the eggs in the same nest spot, on the ground. I totally cleared the spot the day before. But as of yesterday, they have decided to go in the chicken coop any lay there. Still more eggs than ducks! I read they can lay up to two a day. I am thinking that because they were not getting the proper nutrition, that they were " holding" the eggs. They walked around like they were wearing "loaded" not walking like that now. I spoke to my father, and back in the day, my grand father raised broilers and about 1800 ducks at a time, ALL were RIR and Pekins for the meat market. He said highly possible they were holding eggs. I never heard it before. With the complete turn around they have done in the past two weeks...nothing would surprise me. Basic survival instinct.

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