How often do you change nexting material?


8 Years
May 3, 2011
Dallas, TX
My hens having been laying for a little over a month. I have yet to change their nesting material because it doesn't seem to be soiled at all. Should I change it at regular intervals or just when it gets dirty?
You do not say what type of nesting material you are using and that may make a difference. I use pine chips and I only change it when they mess it up with poop. Otherwise if it looks clean I will sometimes just straighten the nest out and fluff up the pine chips and leave it alone. If it needs more pine chips to keep the nest soft then I will add but nothing else. On a rare occasion my chickens will poop in the nest, but that is rare.
I use cedar shavings in ours.. haven't had to change out the nests yet (been about 3 mos) because they are still really clean. I did add some additional shavings as the girls built up their nests when they finally started laying.
Again, if it is clean there is no need to change it. I will comment about the use of cedar shavings and straw for nesting material. I have read in many places that it is not recommended to use cedar chips or shavings for chickens. Also, straw and hay are hollow and give mites a place to hide.
When it needs it which depends on the weather and time of year.

In the rainy season I change it every couple of months. In the dry season less often.

How fast the hens scratch it all out factors in to. Some birds are much more aggressive about that than others.
I only have a small flock, so my nesting material rarely gets dirty. Every once in a blue moon I'll find a bit of poo in one, and I just remove it. I think I've changed the bedding (pine shavings) once in two years. I do add more on occasion (it compacts down) and fluff it up sometimes though... and I do mix just a little DE into it.

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