How often do you clean your waterer?

I rinse out and refill their small indoor waterer just about every day. It's nice and clean. The hanging 8 gallon outdoor waterer however, tends to only get a rinse and refill every week. It gets a ton of green algae in it. I spent a good hour yesterday trying to scrub it out, but I could only do so much. It's too big and cumbersome to clean inside the house on a regular basis. I should probably replace it with a couple of smaller waterers that I can change and clean more easily. I often wonder if the green algae really harms them or not. I've had the huge waterer for about 5 years and no harm that I can see is coming to the chickens.
I guess I'm lazy, I simply rinse it out the waterer when I refill it. Maybe twice a year I take a dish scrubber and give it a scrub, and that's about it. I haven't had any issue with algae growth since I'm using a PVC waterer so there isn't enough light to cause an issue.
it was such a chore, especially when I am growing out meat birds, I had to do it every day. now I have only nipple waterers and not only are they cleaner but the water seems to last much longer.

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