How often do you let your chickens out of the run?


11 Years
Mar 29, 2009
We have three hens in a 6x10 foot roofed sand run, and they all come to the door and talk to me when they see me come into the yard. The girls want out! I'm happy to let them out when my children or I am in the yard, but even though our acre is fully fenced against dogs and coyotes (my own escape artists can't get out) I worry about predator #1 around here, raccoons.

I'm wondering, how often do you let your hens out, what time of day, and for how long? Do you always leave them unattended, sometimes or never? With only three hens who are beloved pets, we don't even want to risk losing one, but I hate to see animals just caged all the time, even in a comfy run.
Free ranging is a risk. Sounds like you are doing well. If you can't risk them then don't. You're good chicken owners.
I let mine out all day, even when I'm at work, but my main predator is fat lazy suburban raccoons. They even come into the yard with the chickens, so far no problem.(5 years) They are more interested with the cherries, cat food etc. I wouldn't reccomend this for most people. Good luck

I let mine out on my days off if Im not going any where about an hour or two before roosting time. Only when Im there so I can watch them. I dont want them to fly over the chain link fence into the neighbors yard. They have a 6 month old bird dog pup.
We just let ours out of the run for the first time ever, last weekend, for about a half-hour towards sundown. They had a great time pecking all over, but our yard isn't safe for them to be out unless we can keep an eye out (plus we have to lock our dogs in the house while the girls are out). So I think we'll make a point of letting them range a little on weekends, and that will have to do. Keeping them safe is our number-one priority.
My situation is similar. To free range, they have to share the dog yard (since it's fenced and much safer), but the dogs have to be locked up. I let the girls out if I'm home and can keep an eye on them, so mostly on the weekends.

Sammimom, your run is nice and spacious for your 3 girls, so don't feel bad if you can't let them out more often. They sound very well cared for.
i let my hens out around the 3 o clock and we have a dog but the hens no not to get near him and dont. They love pecking and eating grass. Our main conserne in ireland is the fox
I let mine out whenever I'm home and put them away when I leave the house. I chase them with a broom to get them in the pen and give them a treat for being good chickens.
We have a 10'x24' pen surrounded by a larger fenced area. We let them out of the pen on afternoons when I can be there to supervise. I use it as an excuse to sit down with a book, as we also have raccoons, hawks, coyotes, you name it, and I just don't want to take chances.

Somehow I'm guessing it's when we get a little careless and complacent that bad things can happen, so I'm telling myself not to chance it.
My cochins and barred rocks get to free range pretty much all day while I am at work. They have a fenced section of the yard and lots of hiding places. BUT my silkies have to wait to get out of their run, I lost two of them to hawks (I think because they are fluffy and smaller than the cochins they are easily carried off by the hawks) so when I get home they get to free range for about an hour while I cook dinner on the grill, then its back tot he run.
I have an 85 sq ft covered run attatched to my hen house. The girls are out in there all day and only go in the house to lay or roost. I let them out in the yard to free range when I am home. Usually only for a few hours before they go to roost. Besides, they get into EVERYTHING if I let them roam free too long.
But I love to watch them when they are having such a good time. They make me laugh.
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